Scrolling with Grace: Embracing Thoughtfulness and Kindness Online

I’m scrolling and I see something or someone that I don’t like I just keep scrolling because I am very thoughtful very demure I’m not gonna go and comment something bad to somebody I’m not gonna go and comment something nasty to somebody because I don’t even know them. Why would I waste my energy? I’m very respectful to my own time very demure I’m also very kind Sometimes it’s just not worth it. Why would you take your time to comment something bad to somebody else? That’s not thoughtful It’s not demure you happen to be very bored and have a lot of free time You can use that time to do something more productive. You have to be more demure. I just scroll Because I’m thoughtful thoughtful to myself To my own time to my own and you get what you get. So try to give more love be demure