Go After Your Dreams: Embracing Your Purpose and Taking Action

It’s time for you to go after the dream. You’ve been sitting on what’s inside of you for a very long time. I want to encourage you that the dream on the inside of you is going to come to pass. You gotta take the test. You gotta write the book. You gotta go back to school. You gotta open up the business. You gotta go get that LLC. You gotta start working on that nonprofit. You gotta start working on your business plan. I’m telling you, go after the dream. The dream of you being married. The dream of you being a homeowner. It is your time. All you have to do is start taking steps by faith. Look, write out the plan. Write the vision. It’s time for you to go after the dream. If not now, when? You have got to go after the dream. This is the push that you needed. This is the push you’ve been wanting for. I’m here to tell you that I’m pushing you into your purpose. I’m pushing you into your destiny. I’m pushing you towards the vision that God placed on the inside of you. It’s been in you too long. If you see this video, this is your time for you to go after the dream. Stop sitting on all your gifts. Stop sitting on what God put on the inside of you. No, I don’t care if they think you’re crazy. I don’t care if they think you’re foolish. When the dream comes, it will speak for you. Go after the dream. Hey, do you hear me? Go after the dream. Entrepreneurship, go after it. Go after the dream. Be blessed.