Title: The Search for the Mo Control

I’m at my friend’s house, I’m gonna call you back. And one of y’all say my mo control land right in the well? I haven’t. What you looking for? The mo control. The what? The what? He said he looking for the remote. He heard what I said. You must be slow with something. You slow? No, no, I’m not slow. I just don’t know what you was saying. I said have either one of y’all seen the mo control? What you use to turn the TV we? The thing you click the TV. Oh my God. The remote controller? This we try to say the whole time the remote control? It’s remote control. I’m like what is the mo control? Mo control, a mo control. Is it mo control or monkey troll? It’s mo control. Let me find the mo control. Where the mo control? And y’all seen the mo control? I ain’t seen the mo control. I ain’t seen the mo control. Get him the hell out of here. You seen the mo control? Come on, you don’t know how to shut up. You don’t know how to do it. I’m trying to shut up. I don’t know what the mo control was. Man, you talk too much. Let me find the mo control. I knew he was slow. He walked in here with a sweater on and it’s 99 degrees. Damn, hit a remote right here.