Navigating Disagreements with Alex: A Strategic Approach to Effective Communication and Decision-Making

You and Alex, how long do you figure out who’s right and who’s disagree on something? You have to be able to speak up in a way, and I would say like voice your thoughts to him in a way that he’s receptive. That what I’ve observed is like a lot of the women are like, well I feel like we should just do… You don’t give a fuck about your feelings. Most likely. He probably wants data and numbers and things like that. So like what I’ve always learned with Alex is like, I don’t feed him anything about my feelings. I only feed him data. I give him the cost incurred of making any of the decisions that are presented to us. So I have more oversight over the cost, and so I will provide a breakdown of like what are the costs associated with whichever way we go with this decision. And most of the time what the issue is that, you know, people communicate in a way that is not as structured with their business partner if they’re their significant other. And so it’s like how would I structure it if this was an executive on my team, if it was a board member? And so that’s been very helpful for me.