Interactive Learning Adventures: Creative Ways to Engage Children with Educational Books

It’s happy to stay today, I thought I sit with you and talk about some of the things that I look for in books that I use at home as part of my homeschool. Doing activities with my kids, for example, is called Dear Suing. I would just read the story to my child because he has repetitive wording. Pull down the tab or participate with me in the reading of the story. And then you can add your own twist. Like if you talking about elephant, you can say what sound does the elephant make? You know, wow, different colors on each page that you can talk about. So it’s very interactive and you can kind of make it your own as you go. Use you can use also things to help you along like finger puppets or print out and lemonade props or use real toys to join you in this storytelling searching for things, right? Like, where’s baby’s eyes? I don’t see the baby’s eyes. Can you find their baby’s eye me and have them, you know, lifted? Oh, there’s baby’s eyes. They were hiding under the. And where’s your eyes? Can I see your eyes? So it’s a great way for them to practice body parts and stuff like that.

On goes in detail about farm animals. It has so much cool information. You can pick and choose what you wanna actually focus on in each lesson plan. That way, every time you read the book, it’s a different experience for them. This one has this little wheel thing here that they can turn in order to give you the answer to the question, if that’s the route that you’re taking. But what I love most is that it has real animal pictures. So it gives them a real visual of what the animal may look like in real life. So it’s a super fun book because it has sound effect, so it touches on a different sensory way too, and it’s fun for them to participate and do it.

And this one also has tabs that they can lift, search for things. It has different places you can talk about like a hospital, you can talk about different vehicles and what they’re used for and they can trace the little path as well. So it’s very interactive thing. So this one is a great option because whenever they count, the animals pick up and that makes us so much more fun for them and they want to participate.

More books like this. Let’s find things in the images, right? These are great books. This one has questions you can ask or you can come up with your own. This is all about home. So you can teach them all kinds of new words about the house that they live in, kind of things. Can we see here? You know, like how many trees, how many clouds, like you can use it for counting to find something, a specific color. There’s just so many things you can do with books like this. And then you can go outside and recreate it with your own house, you know, like, what do you see outside our house? How many windows do we have in our house? And stuff like that.

First specific topics, you know, like this one is about raindrop. So it talks about how it comes to rain, you know, what happens when the rain falls, but where the little raindrop will travel. It talks about how the raindrop goes back up into the cloud.

Books that teaches them about self love and self acceptance, like this one, for example, is great to include in your lesson plan as well. It talks about what makes them different. So there’s different kinds, you know, like he might have a big nose or bigger than most. She might wear glasses, you know, things that make us each unique and how to love and accept ourselves just the way that we are, which is a great thing to teach our kids, right? If you’re talking about feelings, if you’re going about feelings, you can use books like this one talks about how you’re body will actually feel or what your body will experience when having a certain emotion. And it’s just a great way to introduce your kids to their feelings and what to expect when they’re having a specific feeling and what to do with that feeling.

Those are the kind of things that I look for, things that are interactive, things that you can kind of make your own as you go through the story, things that you could include with other props or activities, teaching them about the clouds. You talk about all the different kinds of clouds and what they might look like, and we create them on a piece of paper with cotton balls. Anyways, I hope you find this interesting and thank you. Have a blessed day.