Rankings vs Wins: The Truth Behind the AP Poll

everybody’s gonna talk about the AP poll. Here’s the thing with AP polls is it’s who cares? It’s one that’s never really mattered. But now it truly doesn’t matter. Get to 10. If you’re a fan, and you read the AP poll today, and you feel disrespected and pissed off. And why are they ranked high? If you’ve asked yourself today, why are they ranked higher than us? We shouldn’t be 15. I’m Tennessee fan. I shouldn’t be 15. We should be 10. If you’ve had that conversation with yourself, one, you should probably seek better help. Betterhelp.com slash MPW to is it doesn’t matter what your rank. Can you get to 10 wins? That’s the only thing that matters. Look at your schedule. Get to 10 wins. It’s the only thing that matters. That’s it. That’s it. That’s it. Nobody is gonna give two shits about who’s played in the Poulan Weed Eaters Independence Bowl. Come whatever date that they decide to play. Dude, no one’s gonna care who’s playing in the citrus bowl. Facts.