Formless Beauty: Elevate Mascara Review and Longevity Tips

Two questions, how long does your tube of mascara last? Like how many months? And do you have a trick to make it last longer? My old favorite mascara would only last me like a month because I tend to lean towards like the mascaras that are clean, healthy ingredients. You know, most mascaras have like formaldehyde in it. Did you know that? But anyway, the clean ingredient mascaras tend to not last very long. And any mascara, I don’t care what brand it is, if it lasts more than a month, they tend to dry out pretty quick. Like they usually don’t last more than two months. But I found a clean ingredient mascara that lasts way more than two months. And I have a trick to help it not dry out. This is it. This is it right here. It’s Formless Beauty. It’s Elevate by Formless Beauty by Jenny McCarthy. And it’s my absolute favorite mascara, all clean ingredients. And it has so much product in this tube that it lasts you forever. I’ve had it five months now. And I know clean ingredient mascaras are expensive. And this is too, it’s $42. I mean, I wouldn’t really consider that super expensive, especially if it’s lasting you five months. I’m horrible at math, but my girl math says that’s probably around $8 a month that you’re spending on a clean ingredient mascara that doesn’t have a bunch of toxins in it that are seeping into your skin. And there’s still so much product left in this tube after five months, but it is starting to get a little dry. It’s not going on as smooth as it did in the beginning. So here’s my trick. I’m sure this isn’t a new trick, but if you have any tricks to make mascara last longer, let me know, please put it in the comments. But I take a glass of hot, hot, hot water and I just put it in there. The Formless Beauty tube, it’s made of glass itself. So that’s healthier, healthier. And if you put it in the hot water, let it sit for a few minutes. It warms up the, you know, the leftover mascara that’s still in the tube and loosens it up to make it to where it goes on way easier. And then take it out and then I just shake it up really well and then I put it on. Let me get you a little closer here so you can see how well it works now. The tube is nice and warm and it loosens everything up in there. And I can already tell it is so much looser. It’s not like caked up or anything on here. And it’s like, it’s just glides right out. And it’s very, it’s thinned up the, you know, the solution, the mascara itself. But this is my absolute favorite, favorite, favorite, clean ingredient mascara. It goes on so smooth, no clumping. And another thing I love about this mascara, it does not make your eyelashes all stiff. It’s like they’re like perfectly separated. They feel soft. It feels so natural. I forgot to curl my lashes before doing this video. So, but look at this. I put some on the bottom and this is just one coat, one coat. I wear this every day. You can glam it up even more and put on a second coat if you wanted. I’ve tried so many different clean ingredient mascaras. None of them looked like this for one and none of them lasted more than a month. So I would like to thank Jenny McCarthy again for doing the research and making the best clean ingredient makeup products that are on the market today. My lashes have never been this happy or healthy ever in my life and I’m 52 years old. You can get yours right here.