Mastering the Mind: Overcoming Self-doubt and Embracing Failure on the Journey to Success

crazy how your mind plays tricks on you. I was on the stair master today at level 10, just 20 in total. And on level 10, in the first five minutes, my brain was like, Yeah, this is okay. I can do this. 10 minutes in, I started getting these random thoughts saying, Hey, turn it down a little, it’s getting hard, get to level eight, maybe level six, make it easy. You don’t have to burn that many calories. You don’t want to get too ripped. Basically said, Shut up, Jesse, I don’t know who you are in my brain right now. That’s not me. And I feel like these thoughts always come in when things get tough. Let’s say you start a new side hustle online business and things are getting a little tough. These dumb thoughts will start creeping in. Hey, take it easy. You know what, maybe it’s not that great. Maybe you should stick to your nine to five for the next 40 years and retire at 65. I don’t know if this is even worth it. When that happens, tell that mind that mind, I don’t know who those voices to shut up because things always get tough. It’s just you become better. So they get easier. You have to put in your reps and get to failure. When you fail, that is when you learn and then you become better. So really, it’s not failure. It’s like working out when you hit your reps and you’re going to failure. You’re not really failing. Maybe your body failed at that time. However, your body next time when you do the same exercise will come back stronger than ever. And that is the same thing with everything in life. When you’re starting something new, new online business, side hustle, and things get tough, it’s okay. You’ve got to go to failure, learn from it and then become better. And then eventually you’ll get to your goal. Shameless plug. I’m launching something in the next two to three weeks that will get to your goals a lot faster. Comment, wait list, get on this list. And when I launch it, you’ll be amazed on what