Navigating Nerves and New Beginnings: My Journey into the Honors College

I’m nervous about getting into the Honors College this semester. Other than speaking in front of a few thousand students, I don’t want to lose like Tennessee Tech. I think that would be worst case scenario. I’m nervous about the first day classes. Finding my classes. I’m nervous about finding the buildings that my classes are at. Being on time to class. I’m nervous about making it to my classes all the time. Being in class all the time. Yeah. All my classes being all guys because it’s in like physics and STEM and I’m nervous about getting lost in my classes. Walking between my classes. Extracurriculars. Balancing grades and social activities. Getting sick. Going broke. Not having to walk back to 15, 16. Figuring out the bus system. Making sure where I’m supposed to be, when I’m supposed to be there. Making friends. Meeting new people. I’m nervous about meeting new people. I didn’t know him two minutes ago, but I know him now.