Controversy at a Texas Middle School: Banning All-Black Clothing and Mental Health Stigma

Fun fact! A middle school in Texas is facing significant backlash after they sent an email to parents saying they would no longer allow students to wear all-black clothing at the school because all-black outfits had taken over the school and had become associated with depression, mental health issues, and criminality rather than happy, healthy kids ready to learn. Parents quickly pushed back against the new policy, pointing out that changing what a student was wearing wasn’t going to change how they felt inside, and that if the school really wanted to improve the student’s mental health, they should focus on the issues that were causing them mental pain rather than their clothing. Even though the new dress code policy had been approved by the school district’s campus improvement team and the school district, the school district quickly backed down, saying the school had prematurely sent out the email and it was more of a recommendation than a final decision and the policy was going to be reviewed.