Silent Pain and Smirks: The Emotional Rollercoaster of a Courtroom Trial

There have been a few viral clips from the trial. On one trial date, there were two detectives who testified back to back. When the male detective testifies, Wade is just his normal emotional range, which is just flat. There’s nothing behind the eyes. Some say there’s pain. I say there’s radio silence back there. He’s flat. But right after the male detective testifies, a female detective starts testifying and he starts smirking. Full on staring at her, running his tongue over his teeth inside his mouth, smirking at her. It’s like he’s trying to incite something. Zayn Romero was 11 when his father died and he was 14 when his mother Diane was murdered. Wade Wilson orphaned a child. Now in court, Zayn is 19. I mean, he’s barely an adult, but he’s somehow brave enough to stand in front of his mother’s killer. He tells the court, My name is Zayn Romero. I’m a 19 year old college student going for my bachelor’s in graphic design. I am Diane Ruiz’s youngest child. I was 14 when she passed. I was just starting my freshman year of high school and she was so excited to see me grow up and so proud of what I was growing into. She supported me in all my dreams and only tried to help and uplift me when I was taking on new risk and challenges. My father unfortunately passed away when I was only 11. My mother was all I had left. I was barely two months into my first year of high school when she passed. I was in marching band and the week prior she was telling me how excited she was to go and watch me perform at the weekend’s football game. It would have been her first time seeing me perform. That was my first year in the marching band. She would never get to see me perform and I would never get the experience of seeing her in the crowd. Jerry deliberated for one hour and 45 minutes and voted 9-3 in favor of the death penalty. 9-3 for Christine’s murder and 10-2 for the murder of Diane. During the reading of the verdict he is completely emotionless. Like he had more emotions when the female detective was testifying. The judge will be the final decider on whether or not he will be placed on death row and further executed by the state. The judge is going to make that final decision August 27th of 2024. So in like a week or two.