Becoming a Successful Real Estate Media Creator: A Workshop on Maximizing Your Earnings

So you may know that you can make money as a real estate photographer, but if you want to do it, come over here for a second. If you want to do it right, you got to do more than just photography. So at my business, this is our website. You can see we do photos, drone photos, twilight photos, videos, 3D tours. Actually 3D tours I have over here. These are pretty cool. You use these cameras. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that. It’s a 360 camera. But anyway, you can make these 3D tours that agents can, you know, use to show properties. It also makes this cool dollhouse view. But anyway, I want to show you something. This is the reason why you can’t just shoot photos, pen as a real estate photographer, because if you just shoot photos, it’s only photos. Your average order value, how much you get paid per shoot is only going to be like $150. And most agents don’t want to work with someone that only does photos. So what you want to do is real estate media, which is photos, videos, 3D tours, floor plans, more. You’re going to make more money per shoot and you’re going to open yourself up to a lot more potential clients. That’s what I do. That’s how I grew my real estate media business. So you want to learn how to do this and how to use all that stuff over there to potentially make money. So, what I want you to do is comment the word workshop down below and I want to teach you what I know.