Earring Piercing Adventure: Leah and Maya’s Brave Moment

She’s gonna… Leah, are you ready? No. Leah, are you ready? She’s just cleaning your ears. Leah, you ready? You ready? Yay! Say it louder, I can’t hear you! Yay! Okay, I like it now. Thank you, baby. Ask your mom to go first. It’s okay, you’re almost done. Oh, hi. Not yet, you’re gonna do so good, Lele. So just look straight. Look at me! Look at Maya. Just look straight, okay? We’re gonna count to three, okay? One, two, three. That’s her? Good job! You did it! Do you wanna see your face? Okay, she’s just cleaning it now. Lele, you did so good! She’s just cleaning it now. Maya! Maya! You got this! Put your arms down. You gotta be still. You gotta look straight. You gotta look straight and be very, very, very still. You don’t wanna like rip your ear. Maya, be very, very still, okay? Just relax. Maya, relax, you’re okay. We’re gonna count to three, okay? One, two, three. That’s it! You’re done. That’s it, you’re done! You did it! You’re pretty, huh? She’s just cleaning it now. Turn to the side so I can see your ears. Turn to the side! You guys did so good!