Colonizing the World: Conversations About The Group Home

The group home. The what? The group home. The group home? The group home like a… The group home. Yeah, like an OAP home. Oh, RIP home? No, it’s not like that. What? Home. Like, do you like, like, do you ever retire in a home? Someone with a clear accent, then you… Someone… With an accent… You colonize the whole world and you still do not speak clearly. You now, you’ve managed to rule the whole world. It’s because we never understood them, you know? We’re like, yeah, we’re gonna come here, we’re gonna take your home, we’re gonna take everything. We’re like, crap, sure, she sounds nice. We sign the papers. I tell you my group chats, okay? In a clear accent. Yes, ma’am? Enunciated this time.