Building Trust: How to Handle Kids’ Lies and Establish Trustworthy Relationships

This is what we do if our kids lie to us. You have kids that try to pull a fast one on you? Well this is what we do. I’m just grabbing my trash can by the way. And it’s worked out really well helping them understand why it’s so important to build trust with your parents and why it’s so important to tell the truth. So if your kids lie to you, like you know having a cookie when you say not to or whatever, trust in your relationship. And you want to have a relationship with them that you can trust. So from now on because they broke your trust, you’re going to have to question them. So for instance if they want to go play outside, you’re going to say okay I’ll have to come with you. If they go why? You normally let me play outside. You say well I know but you broke my trust and so because of that I can’t trust you like I did before. So I’m going to have to be outside which actually your kids will probably like you watching them. But thinking of ways that you can talk about the importance of trust. So anytime they ask if they could do something that normally maybe was a freedom before, you got to rethink and say hmm I don’t know because trust was broken. So we got to work on building that trust. And then when they do something that builds trust, right? Saying like I want to have a relationship with you that we can trust each other. Say that builds trust. That’s so good. And then you build a relationship and then you build a relationship on trust instead of control. And now we’re going to go do the sprinkler.