Parenting Dilemmas: Navigating Uniforms, Lunch Swaps, and Emotional Rollercoasters in Kindergarten

Where’s the uniforms? There’s no uniforms babe. Oh no. Are you gonna be using your allowance? Yeah. You don’t have an allowance? Oh it’s gonna be a tough one then for you. Your teacher is not a human Alexa, okay? Her name is just Alexa. You want that? He wants to wear things that he wears at home. These are swimming trunks. You’re not going swimming, you’re going to school, okay? We’re getting it. How do I know if he’s trading his lunch with something less healthier? How do I? You don’t know. I used to do that all the time, Amanda. We need to figure that out. You know what they need at this pickup station? And for the parents, coffee machine. Nespresso, Bustelo, Cafe La Llave. It doesn’t matter. But we, as parents, we need coffee to stay awake so we can stand being in line. What’s that? No, no, no, no, no. The show and tell. Bruh. Okay, show. No, no, no. I’m gonna miss you. I’m gonna miss you too. I’m gonna need a manual to deal with these emotions after dropping him off for the first day, Amanda. What are you getting pajamas for? For nap time? I don’t do nap times in kindergarten anymore. What do you mean, Amanda? We’re screwed when we pick him up. If he skips his nap, that’s it. That’s our whole day ruined, Amanda. Do you understand? He has a schedule. We’ve created a schedule. They need to follow the schedule, Amanda.