Am I the Drama: A Sicilian Makeup Confession with Lancome

We’re gonna play Am I the Drama presented by Lancome. While doing our makeup. As two Sicilians, I feel like at the end of the day, we’re the drama. Okay, I’m gonna go first before I apply my Hypnos drama mascara. Was I the drama when I texted your mom on the side? I don’t think you were the drama because my mom is like a secret vault, but my grandma is not. She would tell everyone in my family and everyone on her Instagram. No, you’re so right. Okay, I’m using the tea, it’s piping hot. Gorgeous, glowing. Would I be the drama if I joined a cult just to like be in a documentary? I feel like it’s not the drama if it’s sister wives and I can come. I just released a special and I did like a five minute joke, maybe 10 minutes about how my husband wanted me to call an ambulance, but I was mad because I wanted to eat my burrata. Was I the drama? You were absolutely not the drama in that situation and Des was being really dramatic and he ruined your burrata experience. Oh my gosh. Now I’m using my Lancome Roast Me lip balm. Was I the drama because I hate those shoes that you’re wearing and everybody else? You are the drama because they even make those for babies. Why would you come for babies like that? Are we the drama because lip readers were trying to figure out what we were saying to each other at Ulta the other day? We were the drama. Listen to Giggly Squad this week to hear what really happened at Ulta.