5K Fairy Tale: Wishless Wednesdays and Book Talk Adventures

It’s me again So I’ve been thinking I’m gonna do these wishless Wednesdays every Wednesday But I would love if you guys could help me get to 5k. I really want to be on this other side of tik-tok with my book talk Looper it’s me again. Um, fuck why do I say um? Why can’t I make this video? Hey y’all I am dying to get to 5k. I am about 750 followers away and as soon as I hit 750 followers on top of my wishlist Wednesday Wheel of Fortune I will additionally Fairy y’all this video is just gonna be a mess. Okay, listen to me now I will fairy five more people After my wishlist Wednesday if I can make it to 5k by Monday next week. I don’t know the date today is Wednesday No, today is Tuesday. Y’all this video is a mess I’m gonna start over and I’m gonna leave the bloopers, but I’m trying my best I’m just trying my best to get the 5k. I Would love to send out five extra book fairies after my wishlist Wednesday Wheel of Fortune if Monday because today is Why do I keep saying Wednesday today’s Tuesday and I’m not gonna take this out today’s Tuesday the 13th if by Monday I Have 5,000 followers on top of my 10 fairies that I am doing On top of my 10 fairies that I am doing on Wednesday, I will do five more that’s 15 Hope y’all didn’t see that that’s 15 total book fairies. So Do your thing tick-tock better yet do your thing book talk and help me get to 5k. Mwah. Love you. Enjoy my bloopers