The Squirrel Saga: An Unexpected Seed Experiment

Okay, okay, so I took your advice and I oh my god, I can’t get over. Okay. Okay I took your advice and I switched up the seed like I just had some leftover stuff I threw it all in there and the only animal I’ve seen since is this squirrel Just over and over and over again And like if you notice in the background as this video continues this squirrel is moving the bird feeder My husband was working from home the other day and saw the squirrel like Crawling across our living room windows to get to the bird feeder Like this squirrel has actually been to the bird feeder So much that it has drained the battery on the bird, buddy I’m getting like 30 notifications a day of this squirrel just Chowing down and I can’t get enough of him Like I’m really annoyed that I don’t have any birds But like this squirrel is on a mission and he’s about to be a chonk Like I I don’t know what I can do to get rid of him, but I don’t have a good feeling about it