Navigating the Future of Finance with Blackrock: A Comprehensive Guide to Wealth Transformation and Tokenization

Backrock giving us the millionaire blueprint. They went from 2,017 cryptocurrencies used for money laundering to 2023. It’s a flight to quality. And now they’re giving us the future and showing us what’s gonna happen. Everything is going to be tokenized. AI technology is gonna be controlling everything. This is very important for the middle class.

You must understand this change in your financial system and get your family prepared for the biggest transformation and wealth in history. My name is Coach Shaby. What I work to do is make very complex macro and micro economic strategy very simple so the normal everyday person can implement them. Since 2,020, we follow these waves of energy, pulling profits from high risk, high return like cryptocurrency, which is very high risk, high return, very spective, and we pull it down the risk pyramid.

We invest in our companies. I ensure my wealth. We also are going into real estate and some precious metals. We use Bitcoin as our gold. So if you’re interested in understanding how we ensure our wealth, you can set up a consultation with my license insurance team and all 50 states and Canada.

In the description of my video down below or in my social media platform, click the link. It’s completely separate from my 3T Warrior Academy. So let’s dive right in. So this is, I love Rao Paul’s channel. It’s called the Rao Paul, if I’m saying his name correctly, the journeyman. He’s just got such great solid content. So I wanted you guys to check this out. He was interviewing, is interviewing or did interview Rick Rider, the CIO that be chief, wanna be investment officer, chief investment of Global F fixed income. Okay, so he is the one that continues to make the big decisions for Blackrock, working to keep them on fixed income. But listen what he’s gonna say about AI technology, right? This is a really good interview. So I highly recommend you go to Rob Pause Channel, the journeyman, and watch this full interview. Cuz they give you a lot of hints of what they’re doing. They’re making moves, guys.

There’s a reason why Larry Fink switch from Bitcoin is used for money laundering to. It’s a flight to quality. Big asset managers are working to get some money into this bitcoin because number one, 80% of the supply has not moved. Number two, there’s only 20% of supply left. It’s a risk on risk off asset. And America right now is not looking good globally. Check.

This out. Cuz when you’re like, which has dinner? Which is my AI? How are you implementing AI in your process now?

So I’m spending wait too many hours trying to figure it out cuz it is, it’s, you know, our biggest technology innovation certainly since the internet, but you know, maybe the biggest thing we’ve ever seen. So there are a bunch of different ways we’re going. First of all, I’m convinced he who has, he or she who has the data is gonna win. And he, you know, so companies that are key. I mean, and I think part of why you’re seeing this with big business or small business, you’re seeing this.

Remember what he just said, he who has the data will win. Super important.

Oh, growing it on this business of trying to be tactical, make a lot of decisions like your teams, you know, let the odds work for you and then do it a billion times. I just think that creates, do what I call durable alph. But yeah, we still got through some painful periods, but it, but you know, you know, Ted knotted the down 200 if you’re running it that way.

Cuz when you write with chance of dinner was my AI, how are you implementing AI in your process now?

So I’m spending way too many hours trying to figure it out cuz it is, it’s, you know, arguably the biggest technology innovation certainly since the internet, but, you know, maybe the biggest thing I’ve ever seen. So there are a bunch of different ways we’re going. First of all, I’m convinced he who has, he or she who has the data is gonna win, right? And, you know, so companies that are, I mean, and I think part of why you’re seeing this with big business or small business, you’re seeing this moat growing is the companies that have the data. You know, you look at some of the big tech companies that have the data and this acquiring all the data, I think those companies win and they’ll build their mode. And so people say, guys, look at the Russell versus like, I don’t know, like small caps are thing today. Cuz if you have the data, so that’s 1, two, you know, trying to figure out the energy implementation, like everybody and think about all the parts around, I mean, the amount of apple it’s gotta go in. I mean, I’ve notice everything like, and I just don’t think there is enough capital and there’s enough grid to, so anyway, we’re obviously the energy space, we think there’s some really interesting things to do both in debt and equity answer as well.

And then, you know, trying to get into the business that are secondary, tertiary, you know, impacted that are we’re trying to navigate and, you know, quite frankly, make every day I’m me, including yesterday, I’m meeting people that are in the industry that have an interesting way to do it, private Republic, it requires a ton of capital. So we’re gonna be thoughtful about where we’re putting the capital.

Okay, so private equity is very important. Private and public sector are coming together in order to fix this economy. We need the private sector getting, we need this, there’s a transition right now from governmental control to private sector coming back in, right? Innovation, technology. There’s gonna be an even playing field, but it’s gonna be rough, guys.

It’s gonna be rough. As we transition from American being the dominant superpower, we’re moving into an even playing field, an even monetary system, private and public sectors coming together, right? That’s why we invest in private equity. I’m in ripple pre IPO. I’m in SpaceX pre p pre IPO. What else do we have?

Pre appeal. So those that’s private equity, right? So private and public sectors coming together and a lot of these people are looking, there’s a lot of capital out there, and a lot of them are gonna be moving in the AI technology. So you can make smaller investments in these types of things, like if you just go to Black Rocks AI Labs. The, the, let me finish my statement there.

Those kind of a loop cliffhanger. So the reason why my thesis around investing in cryptocurrency, I got in late, 2,019 got introduced, got in early 2,027, been in that long. But in 2,020, I really saw this, the wave of energy coming. And I started really, I spent devote in my life to studying waves of energy patterns, right? And I saw, man, this stuff is going up fast.

From 2020 to 2021, I made more money in crypto from 2020 to 2022 than I would have made as an executive my whole career. That’s crazy, right? So that money wave went up and I pulled profits and like, this doesn’t seem natural.

So they’ll be these waves of energy right now we’re about to go through that again, 2024 to 2026. Okay. But we need to pay attention to the AI narrative, right? So with AI money or information moving to speed of light, ISO AI, okay, things happening super fast, you have to have blockchain technology. You’re gonna have to have cryptocurrency.

Everything is going to be have to be digitized and tokenize. Okay, so this is Blackrock AI Labs. I highly recommend you surf around that. You need to check out Aladdin, right? It’s a super sophisticated trading platform form. Okay, Aladdin is connected to Coinbase. That’s why I’m not worried about Coinbase.

Coinbase is connected to Blackrock. Coinbase selected Blackrock, provided Aladdin clients access to crypto trading and custody via coin based prime.

Now remember, Blackrock guys was tapped by the Federal Reserve to balance out the markets in 2008. And 2,020. You don’t think that Larry Fink, the largest head of the largest asset manager world, is having conversations with the feds, right? He’s like, I’m going this bitcoin flight to safety, right?

They’re the largest investor in Microstrategies, the largest bitcoin holder in the world. There’s something happening here, guys. We don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, but you can make educated guesses based on the wave of energy and the way that they’re moving, right? AI crypt to currency. You know, they’re saying bitcoin now is a flight to quality, right? JP Morgan, Jamie Diamond says he hates bitcoin, but he has JPM coin.

I know it’s complete, it’s not bitcoin, but he has his own blockchain technology. Bank of America’s with ripple, while sfargoes with R3. The wave of energy is here. That’s why patience is. I mean, I’m willing to wait 10,15 years for this guys, cuz it’s gonna dramatically transform our lives.

So we’re currently witnessing, this is right here, it says Blackrocks 10 trillion tokenization vision, the future of real world assets. We’re currently witnessing a digital transformation and of traditional finance and investing undergoing a SIS systemic shift towards greater efficiency and accessibility, what I just said. Leading the charge is Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager known for launching bitcoin ETF earlier this year, aims to tokenize 10 trillion of its assets and partnerships with securities. Carlos Dominguez, Securities Co founder and co CEO remark, today’s news demonstrates that the traditional finance products are being made more accessible through digitization.

So I will share with you guys exactly what I am doing. So I have my bags packed and ISO tokens, XRP, XLM, HBAR, excuse me, XXRP, XLM algorithm, all those things. I have many other and information. We got a supply chain management, B chain infrastructure tokens, payment tokens, but I’ve also been heavily accumulating Bitcoin since mid last year. I wish you would have gotten earlier, but I had my own little narrative around it. Once Black Rock started to head towards that, I just started to dollar cost average and I’ve been behind the dips.

So I’m working to right now my focus is accumulated as much big point is possible. Not financial advice. I’m just telling you exactly what I’m doing now. What I do is when it goes up the risk pyramid, okay, so richest man in Babylon book change my life. So anytime I’m pulling money, I’m putting the money into something that will compound, that will create more money.

Okay? So when I pull, if it goes to my price targets, I pull from left side of this pyramid, 50%, I pull it down.

I’ll be first max funding my index universal life policies. That’s my first step. Okay, from there, I’ll be investing more into my companies to create more cash flow and I’ll be going into real estate mostly for appreciation, depreciation and the tax benefits, right? Be nice to have a little bit of money from the doors, but I can make a lot more money in innovating my companies, future proofing my companies and buying equity in other companies, right? So that’s where the cash flow comes from.

So anytime you start to make more money, you need to multiply that money, right? I know it’s tempting to go buy a big house and do all these things, but you should buy things that will pay for the big house, right? When you start to earn income, you should always buy assets that’ll pay for the liabilities. For example, I just bought a really nice car, right? But it was bought through my Freedom Asset Management group.

I bought it because I get it 80%. I get 80% depreciation in the first year, and I’m not, it’s a loan like it doesn’t make any sense, right? It’s one of the tax rules. It’s £6,000. So both are the cars that I drive, one for my one company, one for the other.

I don’t pay for them personally, but I get massive tax benefits, right? So you want to buy your liabilities with assets. We have to start to change our brain. We have to rewire the foundation so we can have in a different situation. Cuz what’s gonna happen is a bunch of people are gonna get, you know, people are gonna become millionaires and crypto in a million dollars is not a lot of money, guys.

It is not a lot of money if you retire with $1 million, you’ll maybe make $40,000 in that income per year. That’s not a lot of money. You need about 10 million to retire. Comfortable now, guys. $10 million.

So if you make a million in crypto and you spend 500,000 on it. You’re in the back in the same position. You can take that million, though, and pull 500,000 and you multiply that money. That’s a totally different story. Money compounds at 10% every seven years. Eighth one of the world Einstein is compound interest.

So we have to start to re educate ourselves on understanding how the money system works. It’s extremely important. So I’ve shared with you guys, I use Merlin, the smartest way to track your crypto, Johnny Crypto.

And I’ll be going live today at 1:00 to talk about the importance of exit plans. We created Merlin. It’s 30 days for free. You can try it before you buy it. We can show you how to set up an exit plan.

We have a team, we have videos, we have actually physical customer service. Cuz it’s really important. We’re like seven months away from the Bull Run, guys, 7 months away.

And if they do lower interest rates in September, it’s gonna make our assets go pair Bolic straight up. So we gotta be ready with an exit plan. You gotta be ready with the diversification plans. Very important. Okay? So we’d love to support you many different things.

Like I said, just to just be very clear, my insurance companies completely separate from the 3T Warrior Academy. They have no association. So if you’re setting up an appointment that is for my insurance team down below, you can also join my four week webinar series, which is live with me, coach JB for four weeks and then you’re on a monthly all with me every single month. And I just share with you guys exactly what I’m doing for my paradigm for week one is cryptocurrency allocation.

Week two is how to get in and out of cryptocurrency. Week 3 is my diversification strategy. And week 4 is how to how I have my trust set up the rockefel system and then we’re on a monthly call and you also get access to our amazing Academy. So you can apply for that 4 week webinar series down below. So if you feel lost or you feel like you need direction, that would be a great place for you to start and just set up the appointment anyways.

Because even if the, and I have a private coaching program as well, the only five people per quarter going to that might be a good fit for you. It could be the Warrior Sanction, which is our four week webinar series or the Open Academy. So you can have a conversation with an actual person on my team to see which fits you best, which is very important. So you get in where you fit in and join our family. So we love you guys.

We appreciate you. As we always say, warriors, get your together. Love you guys. All that’s in my bio here. If you’re on TikTok, click the link. Instagram, click the link. Twitter, click a link. If you’re on YouTube, click the description down below. I’ll see inside.