The Case for De-Pedestalizing Doctors: A Mechanical Engineer’s Perspective

This is how I avoid doctors wasting my fucking time. As soon as we as society de-platform doctors from the higher up pedestals of the heavens that they’ve placed themselves on, the better we’ll all be. Okay, I’m an engineer, I’m a mechanical engineer with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Cape Town. There are other professionals, accountants, lawyers, who don’t freaking act the way that doctors act. It’s just a job, you’re not God, and you don’t know everything. Yeah, you’re saving lives, are you? Because a lot of people die. A lot of people will be dying. I don’t know, it feels like human beings are getting sicker and fatter, more obese, more depressed, so are you? So I just want us to realize that doctors are normal human beings, they make mistakes, they don’t know everything, and they need to stop acting so cocky. If you go to an engineer and you have some project, then we will explain, this is what’s going on, this is the plan. No, no, that ego bullshit stuff that doctors do because they think that they are God’s deputies. Oh, doctors need to fucking relax and realize it’s just a job and you don’t know everything.