The Rise of Online Business: Disrupting the Dropshipping Industry with AI Store Builder

So I’m paying 10,000 USD a month to live in my apartment here in Dubai. My view is the world’s biggest Ferris will. Atlantis, Palm, Alantis, Royal, the Palm Island and then you’ve got the Virgil Arab right there. It’s the only seven star hotel in the world. And this place is two bedrooms, both a master bedroom and then not a bad spacious living area. And the reason why I’m telling you this is because in the last four years, my life has been incredible. You guys see all my stuff online. I’ve been living a very high life for a very long time. That’s all thanks to my online businesses.

Now, one thing that I wanna share with you guys is that there was a lot of fluff online. Right now. There’s this whole massive wave of people coming out that have been running an online business for about 6 months that are trying to help you, teach you. And it’s funny cuz a lot of these guys have no track record, have nothing to show for and have been, and they’re kind of ruining the whole rep of an online business because trust me, an online business, if you please like go take a look at my life on TikTok, go on Instagram, and you can see just the life that I live. It’s incredible the things that I’ve been able to do has been incredible, and I’ve been in this space for a while.

And like I said, a lot of these guys coming in, they’re brand new. They’re ruining the rep because they’re teaching you how to start online business when they don’t even know how to actually run an online business properly.

Now, all these online business work. My favorite one is drop shipping. And it hurts me because the name drop shipping has been ruined a lot over the last couple of years. And hey, a lot of guys selling things on shopify, on drop shipping, and they have no idea what they’re talking about or what’s act actually going on and what’s actually happening. And yeah, for me, I’m a Shopify Commerce coach. I’m one of the very few people in the world that work closely with Shopify. And a lot of other guys cannot say that. A lot of the other guys cannot say that they live an incredible life. And a lot of other guys can’t say that they built an AI software. They’ll build your Shopify drop shipping store in less than 10 minutes for free. I built this. I’m here to disrupt the industry. And I’m sick of these people doing this.

Now, how can I do this for free, by the way? Because there’s always a personal gate for someone else if it’s free and I get paid by Shopify. So I work very closely with Shopify. This is how I’m able to do this. But also I could charge for this because this AI software is not cheap. It wasn’t cheap to get together. But the reason I’m doing this for free is because I wanna come in and disrupt the industry. I’m sick of people paying thousands of dollars for crappy and shitty drop shipping courses. I’m sick of how skeptical this the space has been because of how people have tarnished the name of drop shipping and I completely ruined it.

So this AI software, it’s in my buyer. I’ll go to AI store It’s completely free. In less than 10 minutes. You’ll have to store products, supplier ready to go. On top of that, I’m giving my 2,000 dollar course for free. We have people in there that are doing $300,000 a month. Last month, there was a girl that did $20,000. You can go in there. You can see it all. Once you eat store, you get into the community and you’ll see it all. But yeah, it’s completely free. I get to live this life and all my business has changed my life. And I built this because I want people who are, who don’t have thousands of dollars. You know, there’s so many moms on there. There’s so many dads, there’s so many people in college. So many people that don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on a mentorship or training or guidance, and I’m here to save the day and help you guys out. And also, I’m here to help those who spend thousands on a crappy drop shipping store course and a store potentially to get them in to get started and to give them something incredible. So yeah, hope you guys enjoyed. Go to AI We’re gonna my buyer and yeah, I hope to see a lot of you guys crush note with it.