Unveiling the Drama: Team USA’s Medal Standoff and Romania’s Bronze Dilemma

Team USA is better than me because I would have said first and foremost, you’re not getting the medal back. We have to first and foremost, we must. It’s imperative. No, no, no. Crucial. We start there because I don’t want you to have unrealistic expectations. See, I don’t want you to think this conversation is ending in a place where you get the medal back because it’s not at the end of the day. This is all over four seconds. You’re trying to take my athletes medal away. Over four seconds. Get off my line. Stop playing on my phone. I’m going on D and D until 2028. Matter of fact, if you want to come to LA and squabble about it, when you get here in 2028, we can do that. But until that time, get off my line. And then, everybody saying, Oh, well, the gymnast from Romania deserves a bronze medal. Nobody is squabbling about that. Ain’t nobody tussling about that. Everybody, including Romania’s team, the gymnast from Romania, including her team, agreed that the medal could be shared between USA and Romania, but they had haters in charge. Apparently said that’s not happening. And then they said, it’s a make matters worse. This is what it had to get messed up at. They said that Jordan has to return her medal. If y’all don’t stop playing on me, if y’all don’t go to the back, get one of the medals, which I know y’all have plenty of medals in the back in a box somewhere in storage, go to Joanne’s fabric store, get some super glue and super glue a necklace around it and send it to the athlete in Romania. Y’all are tripping. Why would Jordan have to send hers back? And the thing about it is team USA, you’re still better than me because you sent the receipts that said here, we sent the inquiry within your funky one minute time here, but y’all still better than me because I would have said in the subject of the email here, damn parentheses, you’re not getting the medal back. We have to, we just really need to emphasize that we’re doing this to play along, to be professional. You know, we got to play the game. But at the end of the day, the medal is standing in a secure location guarded by the Navy SEAL team six, whoever need to be guarded by because you’re not getting it back.