Jordan Charles Olympic Bronze Medal Controversy: USA Gymnastics Team Fights On Against Unjust Decision by CAS

This is the latest update in the Jordan Charles bronze medal saga. It’s not looking too good at all. To back things up a bit, the USA Gymnastics team did appeal the court’s decision yesterday to strip Jordan Charles of her bronze medal by providing video evidence that the coach did submit score inquiry before the one-minute mark. However, it’s looking like the CAS wasn’t even trying to hear the evidence out according to the statement from the USA Gymnastics on the notice. They were notified by the CAS on Monday that their rules do not allow for an r-patrol award to be reconsidered even when conclusive new evidence is presented. We are deeply disappointed by the notification and will continue to pursue every possible avenue and appeal process, including to the Swiss Federal Tribunal, to ensure the just scoring, placement and medal award for Jordan. At this point, I feel like they’re just making up rules to take Jordan’s medal that she earned away from her. This is bullshit. It really is. However, we can’t lose hope yet. The USA Gymnastics team is still fighting for her, as they should, because the CAS just wants to make things way more difficult than necessary.