Scented Haul Review: Mixing and Matching Fragrances for the Perfect Blend

Okay, so this is in a large. Yeah, this is large. Okay. This is cute. Oh, sure. This is a large. They didn’t have an extra large. That’s what I really want. Okay, more. This is actually cute. Okay. Next hauler. I made a whole order. This is my clothes. My coat. My sweats. They’re tight at the top. They’re tight. So I made an order. I bought this. I added some little shirts and stuff. Anyways, let’s open. I’m going to open the first. Let’s open it. To be honest, I smell something out of both of them. And I’m liking it. It’s definitely something new. And definitely something that I’ve already tried. Okay. So I’m adding my collection. Still doing that. And then one of these new, new, old, new, old. Hold on. Let me go back to go get. Let me go get what y’all say that this stuff is smelling like. Okay. I’m going to get my handy dandy circle packs. So I can. Y’all talking about. It smell like this one, this one, this one, this one. Birthday Frosted Marshmallow Toast falling for you. I do not like. I’m not a fan of scent from heaven. That’s what y’all saying. It smell like. And y’all saying it smell like cream puff. And I did hear Siamma. Anyways, let’s forget what I fucking heard. Let’s just open it. And then will令 the man, it’s One. Yes, ma’am, the new birthday bone. The green team packed me up. Thank you. And here is the glaze. I love the labels. Always gotta tell y’all. You got the notes and everything for y’all. When I can’t say it, you read it yourself. Quality check sticker like always. Hey, your order was packed by the commission team. Alright. And then hey, your order was packed by the green team. Okay. So we got two. Thank you all. Done my high look, okay? Let’s get back into this. This. We working with… Fuck! This does… This, this dude… It smells like… This don’t got his… This is not his own smell. This do smell like a few of them mixed together. Like y’all saying. I smell some birthday frosting, some good vanilla. I’m smelling that falling for you. And I’m not a fan of that, but them all mixed together don’t smell that bad. Let’s try the… That’s exactly… I don’t know if I want this. I’m definitely smelling cream puff now. I’m gonna try it with this. Mmm, I don’t know if I want this. I’m definitely smelling cream puff now. Fuck! I guess it smell good. I guess they all do smell good together. I’m gonna give it a 7 out of 10. Hopefully it lasts. Because they don’t all smell bad together. Yeah, no. Okay. Yeah, they all smell good mixed together. But separately? No, ma’am. Not liking that. But we’ll give it a 7 out of 10. Let’s smell the drops. Damn, the drops smell better. I see y’all red velvet. These do smell like that. These do smell like that. They smell like what red velvet is supposed to smell like. The drops actually smells better than the glaze. Let’s see. Let’s let… Yeah, I’m smelling that. I’m smelling that cream puff. No, I think I’m liking the glaze. Once it’s on the skin, the glaze is where it’s at. Okay? I’m trying to really let y’all know. Yeah. Yeah, I like the glaze. Next quarter. I’m kind of disappointed. That’s exactly why I ordered something to finish my collection. To keep growing my collection. I’m almost done. I’m almost done. I’m almost done. I’m almost done. I’m almost done. I’m almost done. Okay? That’s exactly why. But I did order the trio. But separately. Because I just wanted to shake quick. Okay? But here’s the roll-on. I hope this is… This is how it looks. I have it here. I have it here. I have it here. This can be a good thing, because it’s strong. So I would definitely keep buying roll-ons. Because this is what I have in my… of these because of my mom and me and my man beginning but I would definitely get the roll on so go ahead make them in other ones but I’m not a I don’t think I’m a fan of this yeah the the glaze is where it’s at this is the oil this side is the glaze and this is the roll on yeah the glaze is where it’s at y’all but y’all gonna get y’all the birthday soup though so y’all could try it for y’all self but really it’s giving all of the ones mixed up like five for the ones mixed up but yeah go ahead see y’all later wait I mean hold on I forgot about this one more one more oh I got my best friend some rose glow I’m so nice and then I got mm-hmm I never smelt the drops cream puff these are gonna grow on me but I like it still now the yeah this is gonna grow on me too yeah