Navigating the Changing Tides of Legal Practice: A Journey Towards Innovation and Efficiency

For your apparel. Legal, a law student, new lawyer, know that the law is changing. The legal field is changing constantly. It’s not just AI. We’re thinking out of the box. My firm and I were pushing the envelope, but other firms are doing it the same way. I was a pair of legal. I was actually a legal assistant making $33,000 a year. Thirty three thousand was not lot. And I would do the same task that everyone else would do. But then we had to think a little bit out of the box how it would become more efficient, how we get more profitable in our billable hour. The legal industry is changing to the point where last week, I was at the conferences and we’re all talking with legal ops professionals.

Now legal ops wasn’t really a thing back in the day. Today, knowing metrics, knowing how to meet, measure billable hours through productivity, using AI for legal technology. If you had a project, let’s say it took you eight hours to write a brief, but with AI, with the help of being able to locate resources, you were able to get that eight hour brief done in one hour. What do you do with the rest of your time? And we’re talking about this and we’re saying, well, it kind of sounds like to be a law firm that’s profitable, you would have to be less efficient to Bill eight hours and make the same amount of money.

But of course, the rest of us know, then maybe we should stop using the billable system. We need to Bill by project, by different events. I can writing a motion being success, maybe just a fixed fee for the entire higher thing. Contingency is being more popular, a digital fees, you know, doing a percentage on the actual win. So these things are things that are going to be changing in legal sphere, which also means that positions are gonna change. So one of the things I just had a meeting and we were talking about, you realize there’s no bridge between the people who use metrics and the people who practice long and you need to run a law firm like a business. Most lawyers, most big law, billions of dollars invested, but bigger attorneys go out and they’re just like hunting, looking here and there. They’re not using a scientific metrics to measure where they should be focusing on how to be more efficient with their work. They’re just doing the same thing over and over again.

I constantly talk about how we have been working as if we are still on a typewriter, using old ways, using a paper clip as the basis of the legal system, of how we work, of how we do discovery, have to think out of the box. So we had to do away the Bill both. We had to do away with a lot of the traditional titles, legal secretary, para legal. So one of the I ideas was I needed to have some kind of special title, even change yet again how over thinking about pay the parileal world because really legal operations, illegal administrations, offices have worked in this corporate environment need to know who do I talk to you that understands business? Is there someone now you might have a business administrator at your law firm, but do they know the metrics and the billable systems and knowing how to change profitability, margins, things like that, things that no law student ever goes to law school for, you learn to think differently. But once you learn to think differently, then you have to rego back to you how you knew how to do things and you have to think about it at different way. And it’s not fair to law students who have to go to an old law school and learn these things the old way. Because the firms that are jumping ahead, skipping the law school method completely and just saying, okay, we’re gonna change another title. We’re gonna have director of legal op, since we’re gonna have special operations manager, something like that, I suppose to just general administration, legal secretary, things like that. It’s going to change. It’s fascinating having directors of AI, having directors of legal technology and I cousin here. Is AI going to replace, is it going to change my work? It will if you still keep doing what you’re doing. We still need human to understand human error and human innovation and human change, human desire. What is it that you’re trying to solve on paper? What is the problem that your client has, but you can use technology, AI metrics, billing systems, admin, different role, Spotix technology, different ways of solving that problem. But if you go into a place and they say, well, this is how we’ve done it, this is what works but has worked the last 10 years. That’s a red flag. We’re not thinking out of the box. And I thinking, well, what worked before, does it work again? Does the law firm, does the company posting spending $15,000 on a LinkedIn post get you business? Does spending $50,000 on a Google metrics to make sure that your website shows up earlier in the search. Does that get you work? And if you’re watching this on TikTok, you obviously know the answer. Because something like TikTok, some genuine engagement, working with people, engaging with people, answering questions, developing your niche, really does show that those little postings here and there, spending a lot of money there when you could really be sent spending money elsewhere is a new way of thinking. So it’s fascinating.

After talking with a couple of people, I’m pleasantly surprised that I did find my people and they’re talking the way I am. And they’ve coined the conventions I am. And we’re sharing ideas and we’re trying to innovate and we’re trying to push and we’re trying to get to the next law firm level. What a law firm could really be. And I’m excited I’m sharing it. I don’t even know if this makes sense to anybody, but I’m excited.