Aligning Your Internal Rubik’s Cube: Finding Peace and Purpose in Life

Yeah, I promise you that your situation is gonna work itself out. It’s gonna work out. You have to look at your job, you have to look at your life, you have to look at your friendships, your relationships, your situation as a Rubik’s Cube. I really like that analogy, I use it a lot. It’s a Rubik’s Cube and right now the colors aren’t properly aligned, which is why you feel the way that you do about that particular situation. So for instance, maybe you argue with your husband or your partner a lot. That tells you something. It tells you that something within yourself isn’t properly aligned. So arguing isn’t gonna solve anything. You have to figure out what the universe is trying to teach you. Oh, it’s trying to teach me how to communicate more openly, how to soften my delivery, how to stop arguing, how to recognize that I’m in charge of my body and I don’t wanna hurt my body. And once you learn that lesson, you’re either gonna work it out in your relationship and you’re gonna have a great relationship or you’re gonna realize that you’re not compatible and that’s okay. But the universe isn’t gonna keep you in a situation just to keep you in a situation. It wants you to keep advancing in your life. If you’re not learning anything anymore, there’s no need for you to be there. That makes sense, right? There’s no need for you to be somewhere if you’re not contributing anything or if you’re not learning anything. Another example may be that you complain about your job a lot. Okay, no one’s forcing you to be at that job so you have two choices, either quit and do whatever you wanna do or if you don’t know what you wanna do, then stay there and work on releasing your negativity. Rather than complaining about your job, maybe it’s about being grateful that the universe is providing you financially, maybe not through your favorite job, but it’s at least supporting you financially until you figure out what you wanna do with your life. So you have to have a glass half full mentality, not glass half empty. This is the idea. Now, once you really release that negativity within you, why would the universe keep you there? As I like to say, it’s gonna spit you out because you’ve got nothing left to offer. So think of it as you’re aligning yourself internally. All right, I’m complaining a lot. What does that do for me? Nothing, it just hurts me. I need to open up my heart. I need to be grateful. I need to learn how to communicate more effectively. Yeah, I need to learn how to be more real with my friends. If you have a problem in your friendship, get real. And then the universe will show you if that friend is a real friend or not. So you’re deciding to live as your authentic self. And your authentic self isn’t miserable. Your authentic self is peaceful. So figure out where you don’t have peace, where you don’t have joy, and then fix it, align it, and then the universe will get you out of that situation.