Navigating the Chaos: A Collection of Random Musings and Quirky Encounters

I think the best thing would be to start with a job. No. Yeah, absolutely, she needs a job. No! Come on. No. No. No. No. What you doing, Katie? Our country has f***ing failed us! Facts. So nice. Congratulations, have a wonderful time tonight, Taylor. Thanks. Taylor Smith, everyone. Thank you, Taylor. Well, our time is up here in Vegas thanks to our co-hosts Suzanne and Stormi. How do you identify? Actually, I identify as… Oh, here we go, it’s that long plethora of, oh my God. Wait for it. I will, let me get a chair. Jazzy, how many more questions you got? I only got one more. What’s your last question? Can you please share some words of motivation to everyone watching my show? No. And he designed some boxer briefs that both men and women and non-binary people of all gender appropriations and the pronouns… You know what’s so funny? I literally told my friend that I’m like, what do I do? Sex, crime, no emissions, it’s so great. And I was like, you know what I wanna do? I wanna walk across the street and get a croissant. And that’s what I did. Nina.