Soulful Hangover Soup: A Mom’s Recipe with Love

Thanks, mom. You’re welcome, baby. Y’all know my pots always clicking right. And even though I’m at my daughter’s house, I have to make them a little bit of hangover soup. Hold on. Let me get the spoon so y’all can see what’s down in this soup, honey. Okay. So y’all, I got some carrots. Yeah, some carrots, some peppers, some onions. What else I got in here? I got some, oh, some turnip greens. They had a party last night. They had some turnip greens. I put a little bit of the turnip greens down in here and that meat y’all. Y’all not going to believe what this meat is. They have some burgers left over. I chopped up them burgers, honey, and put it down in that soup. Y’all see it.