Jaylene’s Purse: What’s Inside?

Okay you guys Jaylene wants to show you guys her purse now she’s gonna do a what’s in my purse. She has the same purse that Eliana has her tia bought it for her. She got them the same one so now let’s see what’s in your purse. What is that? She has a whole uh what is it like a tutu? Okay keep it yeah it’s like a tutu it’s like a skirt keep going. What else you got in there? Eliana can you grab my coffee on the table? She got a makeup brush from Real Techniques. Okay what else you got? Um I think this is like for play-doh I think it’s her play-doh okay. I think that’s for the sand. Oh for the sand. She has a dress for her Barbie and she has a little what are these little like squishy things. How cute is that? That’s a squishy dog. Yeah is that it? And that’s all she has in her purse you guys all the essential needs. We hope you guys have a great day and we’ll see you guys later today. We’re actually going to go pick up Aiden now.