On the Move: A Celebrity’s Philanthropic Journey

Dude, that’s the hot tour girl. Yo, excuse me. Hi, what do you do for a living? Oh, no, not you. Yes, I really got, I was like, oh my gosh, is that you? Yeah, it’s me. Okay, okay, so I know what you do for a living. That’s crazy. Are you in LA now? No, I don’t live here. I’m just visiting. Okay, so the rumors are not true. They’re not true. They’re not true at all. Okay. I still live in Tennessee. Are you like flying everywhere? I see you’ve been like podcasting and everything. Yes, I flew. I couldn’t even tell you all where. I even slept on a train the other night. You slept, oh really? Yeah, so you’ve been like on the move like crazy. I have been on the move. Do you have like a favorite car? Are you like getting a car in the future? So the Steve will do it guy, he’s trying to get me a Porsche, but I don’t want a Porsche. Steve will do it is getting you a Porsche. Yes, so I’m going to get the Porsche and I’m going to trade it in and get me a Bronco, take the rest of the money and put it in my foundation for charity. Okay, so that’s what you’re up to right now? Yes. Like what’s on the horizon basically? I mean any and everything I guess. Oh, good, so like philanthropy kind of stuff? Yeah. Oh, very good. Oh, you asked me for a question. Yeah, yeah, you’re doing philanthropy stuff? Yeah, I’m doing philanthropy stuff. I just learned that word today. Oh really? I did. Philanthropy. Philanthropy. It is kind of a mouthful honestly. It is a mouthful. Yeah, okay, well cool, I appreciate it. Thank you, nice to meet you. Crazy I saw you, I was like what?