Camping Chronicles: The Car Catastrophe and Last-Minute Road Trip Woes

Good morning. It is supposed to be our last day here camping before we start our 17 hour drive to Arizona. And my car last night decided to crap itself. I don’t know what was going on. Dylan this morning cleared the code and then it started and so he’s taking it on a drive. We’ll see how it’s running but that makes me a little nervous because that’s a long drive. And we have a lot to do today if we still plan on leaving tomorrow morning. Oh the timing is so bad. The boys are just having fun this morning. Here he comes. All of our dirty laundry that we have to do today. Okay well I’m back in the tent. Dylan is driving the car down to the local mechanic because he’s thinking that it’s the transmission fluid and that’s what’s causing it to surge when we go up a hill. You go to accelerate and then it completely slows the car down and then almost spits you back out at the speed that you’re going. If it were to just die we would literally just roll backwards. I have a little bit of an update. Dylan took my car down to the little auto shop or whatever and he was saying it’s like 100% the transmission. And then when Dylan was driving back it was being really weird and he was like I do not feel safe driving that. So it’s pretty much done for. We called like literally everywhere. We’re in a place where nobody can get us in for a week and we’re supposed to leave tomorrow morning to drive to Arizona. So we have come up on plan B which is leave the car at the property, try selling it from there and then my mom and I will just drive down to Arizona. She’s just going to get a rental car and then come pick me up. So this is really not how I want to do things. I’m going to Arizona without a car. It’s not a good way to start our day and it’s like 1 o’clock. We’re just not getting food because we’re out of food. We’re planning on leaving tomorrow and we have so much to do. We have so much trash we need to throw out. We need to finish packing. We need to do laundry. There’s so much to do and I just don’t even know if we’re going to have enough time for it anymore. The only other option was to tow it behind Dylan’s truck and then sell it a rental car. But if we were to get to Arizona and no one wants to fight off us we would have to private sell it anyways. It’s so expensive to replace the transmission. It’s not even worth to put that money into my car. We’re not going to be able to do anything. We’re just going to have to buy something new. We just need to eat, get in a better mood and move on and try and get everything done so we can still leave tomorrow. Even if it’s not tomorrow morning. As long as we leave tomorrow I don’t care. I need out of here. Here’s my update for you.