A Week of Reading: The Mistake, The DNF, and Just Mercy

friends, let’s do a weekly reading recap because I haven’t done one of these in literally ages. I’ve had a very interesting weeding re- we- we- very interesting reading week. Been listening to a book on audio that I’m really enjoying. Finished a book that was a buddy read and I have a lot to say about that and then I DNF’d a book which I’ve talked about already so I’m probably not going to talk about that anymore. I finished The Mistake by Elle Kennedy and I rated it three stars. It does feel a little bit weird reading the college romances because maturity-wise they’re just so young and it shows. This book starts off pretty strong with some spice already happening. We have a kind of love bombing male main character- female main character is a virgin. I mean the first like two-thirds just kind of felt like a dumpster fire and it was just like filling the pages with like spice or talking about spice. It’s like underneath all of that immature drama you have an actual plot that could have been talked about a lot more because when it is talked about it’s very interesting. The male main character is taking care of his alcoholic father and navigating that and him choosing his family over his dreams and putting all of his effort into a man that stopped putting effort into him and all of this like emotional heart pulling subjects being talked about and it’s just like covered by the immature relationship in my opinion and the spice. However, all that to say I did fly through it. I’m finding Elle Kennedy’s books very quick and easy to read and that is kind of nice when I’ve been in this weird phase with my reading where it’s definitely slowed down and for that I’m enjoying it but yeah it just could have been so much more. And then there was this one part at the end where our female main character gets mad at our male main character for something that in my opinion she was just so selfish about it and I’m like oh my god how did you just make this about yourself? How is this happening? And then you have another part where the best friend did something just diabolical just so awful the worst of the worst and then they were like actually trying to repair that friendship but I’m like that is oh that’s unforgivable. This book just kind of has me speechless not in a good way but at the same time I did end up crying at the end when it does come to our male main character’s father in that situation. That caught me off guard was not expecting to cry but yeah the mistake. Don’t say it Taylor don’t say it Taylor. Was it a mistake that I read this? I don’t know because like I said I breezed through her books and I really appreciate that so three stars. Okay quickly I’ll just mention the book that I DNF’d although I’ve talked about it now in my past two videos so I really don’t need to say much. I did DNF this book. I do love the cover with my whole heart and soul and I am very sad about it but it’s a soft DNF and I will be going back to it in the future. Totally different note than the mistake and the spell shop. I’m listening to an audiobook. I got it from Libby. It was actually recommended to me by the lovely Ginny who I am just utterly obsessed with. She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She makes me feel so good and I love her so much. Please go follow her if you’re not. She recommended Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and so this is definitely a heavier book. It’s a memoir. It’s a nonfiction and it’s all about our Harvard law student graduate who became a lawyer and he moved to Alabama to do some serious work in the incarceration system. This book touches on systemic racism. He is fighting for people that are on death row and you have this one innocent black man Walter who we are hearing his journey. I’m not too far into it. I’m like 25% in and it is just so heartbreaking. I’m so glad this book is bringing light to such a serious situation that I certainly don’t have enough or correct words for but regardless it needs to be talked about and obviously in America we have a long history of racism and systemic racism. I did find out that it is a movie with Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Brie Larson so once I listen to the audiobook I will be watching the movie because that will be really interesting to see how that adaptation was done. Oh yeah that is my weekly reading recap. I haven’t done one of these in a while. It’s been a very interesting reading week and now I will just share with you guys what I just started tonight. Started Riley Seger’s new book Middle of the Night. I’m only 25 pages in and I’m going to read more once I’m done filming. Pretty solid so far. You know I’m definitely in the mood for a thriller after that spice filled college romance. So I’m excited to read this and tell you my thoughts when I’m done. Thanks for watching. Love you guys. Bye.