The Whimsical Chronicles of the Month-Themed Bedrooms

Hello, my dons. Ignore the AC in the back of. Okay, someone tagged me here. You’re bad. You have to sleep in it for a week. Okay, we did the pools, but you had to jump in the pool and everybody just like, well, MUD is good for your skin. I get stuck in the MUD. Do you know that? And also I did not put together the June and the cotton balls has a bad head. With this, we already know October is gonna be eat. So sorry in advance. I believe this is January. I think the top says January, but it’s cut off. Yeah, no, absolutely not. Okay, I move. I’m pretty sure I move. So I’m gonna roll myself off the bed and into nothing. Kyle, they really don’t like you also. This is hot. You know how hot this is? I can’t fall asleep when it’s hot in my room. It. I’m. I’m not. I’m toasting to a crisp February and maybe queue for some people, but I can’t do this. I hate hair and I’m not a pet person. I can feel the hair ball. Absolutely not. And they’re exposed booty holes. All of my kocha. No, thank you. Pink. You can’t see it, but it says that the sirens are always going off. So good luck with that. I already have a hard time sleeping, so this is my bed. I’m gonna be pissed.

April. I think this is April mega calendar. I would like it, but just make sure that I don’t have to take care of this . Somebody has to come in here and clean the tank cuz I’m not doing it. Make sure that should is clean for me. And I don’t want no big fish up in there. I don’t want no shocks, no big ones, okay? And I don’t want little piranas in there, you know, I want a good little fish.

Is may. I think this is may. And I think it says that they’re always staring at you, l. I’m about to figure myself out right now, but when it is kind of like dark in my room, I always feel like somebody’s watching me. I shouldn’t say that right now because then I don’t wanna go to sleep. But I’ll imagine all these people like staring at you and you trans not know who comes up with, this is June. Don’t be fooled. If you look closely, there are needles everywhere. You have a needle bed. That’s gonna hurt. Yeah, this is no acupuncture. I already know if I laid in it, I’m sinking and all those needles are going in me. Yeah, they really don’t like you. You know, I would like to invite some people over for sepova and this would be their room, the volcano. One, two. What do that? 1, two.

Oh my God, July. We got a good one. We got a good one. It says Affia unlimited stars and snacks. K, K, K. Thank you very much. I appreciate the love, dummy.

But I notice that we’re out in the open. Is it secluded for us? I don’t want no animals coming up in here because they smell the food. No, I need a barrier up in this beach. I need like a huge fence so nobody is coming over here.

Kitty and mosau, who made this one? You love me. Thank you. Also, I want to know, is there a good bathroom? Because if you’re giving me all this , that’s exactly what I’m gonna have to need to do. I’m gonna have to need to take and I need a good battle for that. I don’t want to port a party. I don’t want to use the woods. I want an actual bathroom. Okay, thank you very much, ARG August Bendito. They don’t like you gonna. I could feel it empty. Hey, bugs, I’m just guessing that is the Virgo man. Ju. I’m just saying.

September. I think somebody that was born in September made this. You made calendar so soft. Let’s look. Everything looks like cotton candy. I will. I’m not gonna like I wanna eat the clouds that are outside. Okay. They pink, . Please. Thank you. I will say that looks like a lot of like, so I’m gonna need you to turn it down a little bit. Let’s close the shades.

October. This is stunning. You really like the Octobers. Look at this. Star gazing. Look at the lights. This is gorgeous. I love it. But where we are, I wanna know. There’s dogs like a mountain, a Montonia. No mountain lions. Right. We need a barrier. Do you have a barrier to invisible shield? Yeah, we need one of those.

Confusion. Didn’t they say, I’m sorry, October in the beginning? You’re trying to trick us. Cuz this is nice right here. I’m just saying. November. I’m sorry they don’t like you. What do you do? What do you do? Oh, my God. Maybe they hate us. I don’t know. I’m sorry. Please. Can you imagine being on your period and kind of like falling off your bed? You ask them, done. You are chum. Hey, can you look at it? I don’t know if I’m a camera, but I’m just saying December, I’m so sorry. I will have a checker warning in the beginning of this video just laying on. But are they really don’t like you? They really don’t like you. I can’t look at it. I’ll die. Kill me first. I give you permission because I’m dying. My heart tight. There’s no way I’m okay anyway, I’m gonna go. Alright, let me know which one would you like to hate if you liked, if you didn’t, which one would you rather have? Pace.