Movie Review: It Ends With Us – A Raw and Honest Take

I did it. I went to the movies and I watched it ends with us. I know there was a lot of discourse in my comments about whether I should watch it, whether I shouldn’t watch it. You know, there was a lot of drama between Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni and a lot of things behind the scenes. But I was like, I’m gonna put that aside. I’m gonna watch this movie for what it is. If you guys don’t know, I haven’t read the book. I had no interest in reading the book. So I went straight into this raw dog in it. And this is what I thought. Trash. I thought the movie was trash. And wait, wait, wait, let me tell you, let me tell you why. First of all, I like Blake Lively. I don’t have a problem with Blake Lively, but I felt like her character was very two dimensional. I couldn’t really get into her. You know, I couldn’t root for her. I never at any point felt like yes, yes, go you, you know, like I never felt that way. Now, surprisingly enough, I definitely did actually like Justin Baldoni as the character Rao. I thought he was a really good actor. He did some good acting work. But overall, like the movie just fell flat. It was really boring for me. Like the first leg, I don’t know, more than half an hour of the movie. I was like, all right, get on with it. I have no idea what’s going on. I lost interest right away. I don’t know why the hell Blake Lively looked like this. Like, what, what was going on here? Why was she wearing so much Carhartt? Literally the entire movie, like she’s wearing Carhartt jackets, Carhartt overall, Carhartt, literally everything Carhartt. Like, Sponsored? I don’t know. And then continuing we talk about the actors like this guy right over here. I think he he was not, I don’t know what it was about him. Like he just I don’t know if he’s just not a good actor or what it was about him. I had the whole time I wasn’t rooting for her to be with him. I had no really like I felt bad for the younger version of him when they had the flashbacks. But I, I wasn’t feeling it. Now, I’m a huge baby and I always cry in movies. You know, there’s if there’s like a movie that is sad and romantic and has any type of trauma, I’m crying. And I only cried one time this whole movie for like five seconds. And I’m like, oh, yeah, this is just like I’m not rooting for anybody in this movie. I’m not feeling anything. Wait, I’m going to take that back. I was rooting for one person, her best friend, this girl, Jenny Slate. I loved her. She was the best part of the entire movie. She was hilarious. She was fun. She was cute. I was I was loving her every moment of every second of this movie. She was the star of this, in my opinion. I loved her relationship with Blake. I love that whole thing. I thought it was super cute. I love the ending with her overall. Ten out of ten for her. But the rest of the movie, I don’t know, guys. There was people that I saw that was rating it like three or four out of five. And I’m like, I’m going to be generous and give it like a one and a half because I don’t know. It felt like messy. It felt like all over the place. It felt like there was things that they could have gotten into more detail about, like all the flashbacks of when, you know, things are actually happening. I don’t want to put too many spoilers in here. But essentially, if they would have put a little bit more detail into some of the places, I feel like maybe I could have gotten a little bit more into it. And if they would have spared the detail on other stuff like, OK, some of the parts just weren’t interesting. And I felt like they put too much emphasis in it. I don’t know. And I don’t know if it was just me, but I felt like it was really predictable the way that they made the movie, like literally right off the bat. I was like, oh, yeah, called that called this called it like and I was like, yep, I was right. And I’m telling you, I never read the books. So, I mean, that’s like I don’t like when I’m able to like, oh, yeah, this is going to happen. Like, if it’s too much of a cliche and do I feel like this whole movie had a lot of potential? Yeah, I do. But I just feel like I don’t know if it was like all the drama behind the scenes or the director or the script or what it was. But overall, I didn’t like it. I don’t know what the hype is about it. Maybe it’s just Blake Lively bringing Ryan Reynolds and all that or all the drama behind the scenes that made people want to watch it like me. But overall, if I was going to rate it out of 10, I’d give it maybe like a three point five, maybe being generous. But in my opinion, skip the movie. Just skip it. Skip it. Next. Thank you. Next. But I’m curious if I was the only one that felt this way, because a lot of my F.Y.P. was saying the opposite. And I want to know if you read the books, what did you think? Did it stay true? Let me know your opinions down below in the comments. And don’t forget to like and follow for more Gossip Cheeseman and all things.