Nerdy Nuts Taste Test: Battered Peanut Butter vs. Fruity Nibbles – A Delicious Comparison

All right, I was slacking yesterday, you guys, so better late than never, I have a Nerdy Nuts taste test, and I just looked, and these both are still available on the website. So first we’re gonna do fried cookie. I have not had this one. This is battered peanut butter, chocolate sauce, chocolate cookies and cream, vanilla cookies and cream, and cookies and cream frosting. So restock is always on Sundays at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. You can use code CramerCrew10. But yesterday on Sunday, I threw my back out, literally vacuuming. It was bad. That’s, I guess I’m just getting that old. So I was in bed all day. I had already gotten ready for the day. We were gonna have, we had all these plans. Look at all the chocolate sauce. And I literally ended up in bed all day. Thankfully, I’m feeling better. My back is still really, really sore, but I can actually move. I couldn’t even move yesterday, so it was awful. And I was like, I should do a video, and I just did not feel up to it. So when I looked and these were on the website still, I thought, why not? Let’s give it a go. All right, let’s see. Mm. Look at all these toppings. There are so many cookies. This is so good. I didn’t even make it down to the chocolate sauce yet, or like the frosting either. And this is delicious. Not too sweet. I give this one a 7.5 out of 10. So second, we have Fruity Nibbles. Now, this has like Fruity Pebbles in it. And I have had a Fruity Pebbles flavor before. I just don’t know. Sometimes they like tweak their flavors and update them. So I don’t know if this is the exact one I’ve had because I don’t remember it having frosting. Oh, it’s so cute. Look, I love the colors. It’s so fun. So this one is white chocolate peanut butter with a Fruity Crisp cereal, vanilla cookies and cream, and milkshake frosting. Look at, I like how you can see the layers. Look at all that frosting. I don’t want the toppings to spill out. So let’s try to get down through all the cookies to the frosting and the peanut butter. Oh, we did it, you guys. Okay, so we got a little bit of everything here. Literally, we have the frosting, the peanut butter, cookies, and the cereal. All right, let’s give it a try. This one is sweeter than the chocolate, but I don’t know which one I like better because I love the Fruity Pebbles in this. And even though it’s sweeter, it’s not too sweet. And it always blows my mind how the Fruity Pebbles stay crisp and stuff like that. You can hear the crunch. It’s just mind-blowing. I’m like, I’m going to eat this. I’m going to eat this. I’m going to eat this. I’m going to eat this. I’m going to eat this. I’m going to eat this. I’m going to eat this. I’m going to eat this. It’s just mind-blowing that it stays so crispy and crunchy to me because I don’t like soggy, so I love that. I don’t know. I think there’s a tie this week. I don’t know which one I like better. They’re both really, really good. I don’t know. That’s a tough one. So I hope you guys all had a fantastic weekend. I’m still taking it easy because I don’t want to hurt my back even worse. So I have to leave in like an hour to get the kids, see if I can get some laundry done, or maybe just sit down and rest for an hour because my back is still so sore. But hope you guys had a fantastic weekend. They still have a lot of different flavors on their website. Code KramerCrew10, and I hope you guys have a great Monday. Bye, guys.