Becoming an Admin in a Discord Server: A Guide to Unlocking Opportunities and Taking Over the Oatmeal World

Let me tell you what you gotta do if you wanna be admin. So you can have image permission in my I will discord server, which has 600+ members.

Oatmeal. But what’s discord?

Who’s ever you? Everybody know? Do I do God is like the YouTube Kevin check shirt, like YouTube Live chat. It’s like Facebook Messenger or Facebook groups where people can text and there’s video calling and audio and people share memes. It’s almost like Twitter in a way, just some kind of instant messenger chat room thing about boat. But a lot of people already know that. So let me tell you what you gotta do to become an admin. Step 1, drive my discord driver is easy. This model link.

Go to my Twitter or my Facebook or my blog or you know, whatever. That’s the link that you click on that will take you to my discord server here. All you gotta do is click on the pinned message. You like it at the bottom of the post. First, you gotta go to the post, click on the jump button. That takes you to the post. Scroll to the bottom, click on the thumbs up. That’s how you like. Click there. That will unlock the unlock channel there. Then you click on the unlock channel, unlock. Then you click like there to become a guard, which is an admin. And then you scroll down and you click on step No. 2. You like that one too? Like that message? You click on the skull to leave the prison and now you’re an admin. You’re basically a guard and you have the ability to promote and promote people and you can do image permission stuff and you’re one step closer to taking over the oatmeal world. That is, if you really wanna take over the oatmeal world.

I posted something yesterday talking about that a little bit. I’ve talked about that a little bit off and on for years, talking about what is that all about? Like what is my discord? Like what is that group all about? I’ve talked about it a little bit before. I always like end up tryna explain it again and again. I might become a broken record.

Maybe. I said might. I don’t know. I don’t know. I mean, I’m thinking about it. I’m thinking about it. I’m still thinking about it. I’ve been thinking about all of that for many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many years. You wouldn’t believe it. Unless if you already know. Unless if you already know, like if you been following, may I have acted crazy? Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. Maybe I’m a little crazy, maybe I’m not. A little crazy, maybe a little bit of like, I might be a little both.

I might be like, but regardless of whatever it is, I have in my mind all of this stuff that I’m trying to do. If you like it, you can help me. Just help me. Or you don’t have to. But you don’t like, you don’t really have to ask me. You just gotta do it.

But regardless, like I tell people this, because you have like, you have an opportunity to be a part of what I’m I’m building what I’m trying to build. Whether or not it’s worth building or not, you decide by China. Be a part of it if you want to.

And I know that trolls come, Charles come. Trolls coming to the server. That’s that that that happened. That happens. I think that’s part of being online. That thing’s gonna happen, especially as you get bigger. The paradox that I have is I’m pretty small as a content creator, relatively. Like if you think about it, I’m pretty small compared to other people. You, you know, if you think about it, if you really thought about it, I got like a few followers sometimes, but also I got a lot of trolls and it’s kind of crazy.

I’m a trying to get out what I’m trying to say. I’m not gonna bore you with all the details again, not that I don’t want to, because I want to, but not right now. This video is supposed to be really short and to the point. And I’m trying to trying to do that. Just want you to know, I want you to know how I feel. How I feel. How do I feel? How do I feel right now? Am I expressing myself clearly? Is it clear enough in the back of my mind, I’m always thinking, no, it’s not. No, it’s that. Because there’s so much I’m trying to say and I feel like I’m not doing a really good job. Even though I want to and I try to, there’s like, there’s always more to say. And then there are some people who are not listening, and that’s okay and that happens all the time. But with everybody. But I probably should make another video that’s like only a minute long that explains what I’m trying to say, like how to be an admin, even though I already told people what to do and it doesn’t really matter. And in some ways, it doesn’t really matter. But I mean, it does and it doesn’t. It depends on how you look at it and it depends on the person. And like, I’m trying to give people the opportunity to be an admin in my discord server. Say for example, it’s like you got an opportunity to be an admin regardless of whether you’re a lover, a hater, whatever, whatever you are. And I’m not gonna know. I might know, I might think I know, maybe I do, maybe I don’t know, maybe I do know, but it doesn’t really matter. Like at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter because like, I’m letting people come in. I’m letting anybody come into my discord server or the other groups. I do have other groups, but I’ve been, I’ve been, I’ve been really focused. I’ve been focused on the discord server last year, especially last year. I created that server in 2019 and I was focused on building it last year in 2023. And then I was like talking about how it might not be working well enough, good enough, unless if you can change my mind, prove me wrong kind of thing. I got a lot at like mixed thoughts about all that. I got a lot of mixed thoughts about a lot of things. And I’m in the background working on things and trying to figure out how do I, how do I do, how do I do everything that I want to do in my life? How do I transition to my best decade of my life coming next year as I’m 39, born in 1985 in Oregon. And how do I like find a balance between the older projects and the newer projects in my life. How do I really prioritize and balance between all the stuff that I’m working on? What is realistic, what can I get done in one day or one week or one month or one year or 10 years? Like I have all these different categories. As a clean freak, as an organizer, I think about all these things. I try to do all these things a lot of times in my life. I just like try too hard. I probably should talk about this more to be continue done.