Sweet Delights: An Easy Tiramisu Recipe with Malcolm the Cat

It was kind of fascinating that people’s favorite desserts are so different. I feel like it’s very much based on your life experiences Like what your memories are around certain desserts anyways, I’m going to my sister-in-law’s for dinner tonight and I asked them what they wanted for dessert and my sister-in-law’s husband’s Favorite dessert is tiramisu. We’ve never made it on here. I feel like I should be making my own ladyfingers But we don’t have time for that And I think it’s key to have like a good simple tiramisu in your repertoire So let’s make an easy tiramisu today I only have like an hour and a half to get this done because it definitely has to go in the fridge for a While to set up well doesn’t have to but it should go in the fridge for a while to set up Let’s go to the store and get the stuff we need Come on left or right I’m going left Oh In Let’s go Yes student and yes Yes, keep it a check In crucial ingredient All right, let’s go make some tiramisu He’s always waiting for us popular demand put Malcolm in more videos, so please hold It was gone for less than 10 minutes That’s all he wants he’s not a camera kitten guys ladyfingers are Pretty easy to make but they’re easier just to buy and they’re delicious. So We’re good. You need whipped cream. I got oranges for Quinn smoothies and his buble What else did yeah? Marsh Capone key ingredient tiramisu You cannot make it without it That’s it. We’re ready to go. All right, we’ll make another video because Hi We’ll go to him this is Malcolm the love of my life He’s like why I’ll see you in the tiramisu video you’re welcome