Deciphering the Energy: A Tale of the Queen of Swords and the King of Wands

Okay, collective reading. I’ve got strong Queen of Swords energy here and strong fire sign. So Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Neos, Sag could be strong. I feel like right off I’m getting a situation with three people, King of Wands at the center of that. So there’s this energy of not waiting but like how will things happen? What is the future going to dictate? It’s not really waiting but a sense of just the timing of it all. I feel like Queen of Pentacles in reverse, King of Wands in reverse, Queen of Swords in reverse. Actually, sorry, I’m going to pull back on that just a sec. This is about two people, okay? Two people. This Queen is very demanding right now of the situation but more so of the situation. They’re demanding of themselves. It’s like they just want to know what’s going to happen, what’s going to happen to our future, what’s going to happen to us. So they feel like their stability is in danger. They’re feeling a sense of discomfort here in their situation and it’s like they’re demanding to know what is going to happen. They want to know what’s going to happen to our stability, what’s going to happen to our future. Is it over? It’s like getting very angry and demanding energy because they look like they deserve the right to know what will happen. But it’s like it’s a Queen saying, I deserve to know, is it over? Is it all going to be gone? All that we worked for, it’s going to be done? It seems very… Because right now this Queen is in an energy that they don’t like where they’re at a standstill. They’re kind of left hanging here honestly and it’s like I want to know what’s going to happen to this connection so I can start planning, so I can start deciding. What is your plan? What are you doing? A lot of demand on their part but it feels like they have the entitlement to demand in the situation because it feels like something has been built here. So I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. I’m going to start with the Queen. So let me get additional clarification and energy. Online looking for info records searching. Inflames. Drama Queen. Watch Dsound. Watch Dsound. Watch Dsound. Not transcribed. I didn’t know that. Yeah, all the comments were incorrect. I feel like I had a reading recently where… Oh, wait, no, that wasn’t extended, was it? I would say that if you are part of a situation like this, when you shouldn’t be part of a situation like this, just be careful. So I do feel the reason for all of this is a third party. Okay, let me clarify myself. What I’m saying is, if you are a third party in a situation like this, I do want to say be careful, because I’m looking out for everyone here. But you have to remember your actions have consequences, okay? And that if you know that you are entering a situation where you shouldn’t be entering at all, then you cannot fault the consequence that happens. Because I’m seeing that potentially this queen of swords, this queen of pentacles is looking, is searching, has an awareness, has information probably, knowing that the law legally, it’s on their side, knowing that they have the right, which they do, to take action if they should do so. I would be careful of confrontations and anything like that. Again, if you are aware and still continuing to pursue a connection that shouldn’t be pursued, then you can’t be all surprised when it blows up in your face. That’s all I want to say. I’m not going to say this queen of swords is a drama queen, but their energy right now is somebody that is out for blood. They are riled up. They feel entitled to cause a bit of drama here. And you know, this king is running. They are avoiding the conversation. They’re trying to run from the consequence or to run from the responsibility of being more truthful, forthright, or whatever. It’s not a good energy. You know, humans are so flawed. We’re not perfect. We do things and it’s about what you do when the time comes to correct something. So let’s say in this situation, this king is trying to avoid, I don’t know if they’re trying to avoid responsibility, being truthful, or just avoid the entire situation. But this is a pretty good time to just stand up and decide what to do here. You either tell this queen of swords, don’t worry, our future is not in jeopardy. You know, like I have made a mistake. I hope for your forgiveness, but our future is not in jeopardy. Or if they have found themselves to have fallen in love and do not want to be part of this connection, then they need to also do that. They need to stand up and say, I have made a mistake because I did this while we are in a commitment, but I have to stand by how I feel. And then take the repercussions, take the consequences of that. But to be in this energy that this king is in, I’m sorry, but it feels like they’re very avoidant. It’s like they think that if they can shut up, sleep, and wake up the next day, it’s all going to go away. I mean, honestly, that does happen sometimes. If you will do that long enough to a queen of swords, queen of pentacles, who then just gets tired and then just kind of just settles. Yeah, that could happen, but that’s no way to be, that’s no way to live, definitely. So I just kind of want to pull on this king’s energy just a little bit, like what’s going on. Okay, and then that’s the problem. You got to be better than this. Oh man, okay, you know, so this king is showing that they have made a realization. They do know what they want. They do know what will fulfill them, but they do feel bound by their situation. Do they want to be able to take the opportunity to have this fulfillment? Yes, but they do have a family, they do have a commitment, they have made a home, which is what this is with this queen of swords. That’s why this queen of swords is so entitled to this information, to this knowledge that they are demanding from this king, because they already built something. And that was a partnership, that was an agreement, and it was a legal one, from what I’m seeing. So this was probably a marriage here, this is a marriage. So make a choice and then work from that, because even if this king has realized something here, what are you going to do about that? Okay, that you can’t run and hide from what needs to be done, what needs to be faced here, right? This is what this king is trying to do. They’re trying to be detached from it. They’re trying to be cold towards the situation, so that they, you know, eventually it just goes away. It’s not going to go away. You got to face the music. And I do feel this queen of swords, queen of pentacles that this king is in a marriage or commitment with, they are quite tough. They are somebody that’s not going to just put up and shut up, you know, like they need to know what they need to know. That’s really how I’m getting this. Okay, so. Because this is a queen that needs to know, am I moving forward? Am I needing to change my path? What are we doing here? Like that’s just how this queen of swords, queen of pentacles energy is. And again. Within their right to be so, okay? Because they just want to know, okay, is that your choice? Because I want to know what to do. Am I going to let this go? We built something here. We have this, you know, stability. We have this future and we built this. So what’s going to happen? Are we letting this go? Like they just, they want to know because they want to know what they’re going to do. And there’s a lot of stress on this queen’s part, but there is a lot of stress on this king’s part too. Okay, I’m not saying that there’s none, but they’re trying to run from the situation. Like they don’t want to have to answer anything. I’m so sorry for this king, but it is looking a little cowardly. It’s looking a little cowardly. I’m sorry. We have to own up. We have to own up to our mistakes, to our actions. This queen is just showing me this energy of I want to know what’s going to happen so I know what to do. Right? And that tells me it’s for their security, but also probably if this is a family, a home, a commitment, then there are children to consider. And this queen of swords wants to know what are we doing here so that I know what to do. Okay? That’s how this is, that’s just really the energy of this reading. And the thing about this king is like, they are just not wanting to deal here. They’re like even looking a bit stubborn. It’s like they’re playing it safe, honestly. It’s like they can’t voice it out that, oh yeah, we’re done. Because to do that then really kind of closes something out. Even though what they’re showing is I would like a new beginning in love. Now, I would say the guidance is saying a few, you know, a stability has been built, a future has been created here or like a future is being worked towards. Is it not at all possible to see that fulfillment and love within this existing commitment and marriage? Is that not at all possible? Right? Because honestly, if this queen didn’t want to deal with this king, they wouldn’t be asking what’s going to happen. They would make the decision and say, I want out. That means they’re still actually willing to work on this. So where does this king stand? Let’s just be honest. I look at the energy. This king doesn’t want to be with this queen of swords, queen of pentacles anymore. They do look like they want to exit the situation, but they don’t look like they have the balls to do it. I’m so sorry if I’m calling you kings out if there are any kings watching here. But it has to be said, you either stand up for what you truly want, or you give the assurance this queen needs. But don’t. But don’t. Power and hide and not face up to the responsibility. Come on. What are you doing here? This is so like seriously. Oh man. Oh man. Like I’m half irritated but half like. Incrediless like what’s going on? You know what this is? This is a king that’s trying to maintain like both situations. The option to still have an out, but the option to still keep this because they are probably scared. They don’t know what to do. They don’t know what to decide. Pick pick one and then do what you need to do. You’re going to lose out either way. Okay. To be in this energy. It’s not healthy for this king either, but it’s definitely not fair to this queen of swords and also probably not fair to whoever this third party is. This third party is not really in the reading, but they are here. You know what I mean? So you have to choose. If you are this king, you need to choose. I mean, obviously if you need the time to choose because it is a life changing, impacting thing, but then just be honest about that. And if this queen of swords puts up with that, well. God damn congratulations. Because. There are other queens of swords, queen of pentacles that would not put up with this. They’d be like, are you kidding me? Get the fuck out of here. Right like that. That’s this consideration. Sadly, it’s a norm, but it’s also kind of. Unique. You know what I mean? Figure out what you want guys and be fair to the people around you. That’s all this is really about. Just do that. Okay. God. Pisces, Scorpio. Virgo. This is a little disappointing. This kind of energy. So let’s do better.