Conversational Conundrums: Navigating Misunderstandings and Asserting Yourself Peacefully

I’m not trying to be a bitch. I just sometimes am one because I have to be if you have like a soft voice and a soft demeanor People are obsessed with telling you that like you’re not saying what you are Definitely saying and so then in order to just like make a very simple and basic point you have to like Yell at people like I’m having a very nonsense conversation about small talk with this guy And he was like saying how he doesn’t like small talk Conversations that are deep which is just like one of my number one pet peeves because I’m like, oh then you’re just like not Good at conversations Like if you can only talk about the meaning of life and you like cannot have a pleasant time chatting about your day I think you’re like a poor Conversationalist and I didn’t have to go that far. I didn’t have to get to me being like I think you’re stupid But because he kept on being like no, that’s not true. Like you don’t know what you’re like. No, you don’t mean that You don’t mean that I’m like no, I do mean that and that’s why I said it four times See, you’re already being bad at conversations the end. I Should I quit dating again? I think I’m I think I’m good. I think I’m good on this round