Explorando la Generación de Vídeo con Inteligencia Artificial: Análisis de Contenidos de Open EI y Entrevista con Sunny Stringfellow

Último en generación de vídeo por medio de inteligencia artificial, sora de Open I. Quédense hasta el final, véanlo y ahí es donde voy a hacer algunas conclusiones de otros videos que ellos publicaron, cómo fue que lo hicieron?

This is. Tough questions. I’m Patricia Carlo. Sunny Stringfellow rose to prominence online with the viral film Airhead. Shortly after its release, he disappeared. Tonight, we sit down for the first time face to face.

How are you? Deflated. The technical term is Helius leticulus, a genetic condition that affects an estimated point two % of the global population. And it’s a condition that made sunny a worldwide sensation overnight. But as he tells me, living with it is not without its drawbacks.

It’s difficult. Sure. I mean, people tend to lash out at what they don’t understand. But it makes me think about my father. No. Sacrifices he made and his father before him. The world isn’t that dark anymore.

Why do you think people dislike you so much?

I don’t know. They don’t like the way I look. Maybe. I feel like I’m a pretty indefensive guy.

Would you be comfortable reading some social media comments?

Okay. Yeah, just from the top here. Go pop yourself. This short film feels like a paid commercial for a future where everything sucks. Looks like, yeah, I got pretty ugly on Twitter. But honestly, the initial response everywhere else was actually pretty amazing from the small little thing I did, I was getting these massive opportunities. I got an agent that was doing press and he became sort of a movement. People really got into the whole balloon guy thing. It was overwhelming flattering. Felt like I could have anything I wanted. They’re calling it balloon fever. Every look you see, this guy got a God bang balloon. I just wanna leave now. Jail. What I’m seeing is telltale signs of someone on helium. What a crazy night. I feel so white headed. Thank you all so much. But all that attention, it went straight to my head. That’s what happens at the top of the mountain. It was all downhill from there.

Sunny emerged after the city block incident hoping to move on from it. He used a series of high profile affairs as a distraction from the truth. His party lifestyle was catching up with him and his bubble was about to pop. Hey, listen, this was the beginning of a very public spiral that eventually ended with sunny disappearing from the limelight until now.

I needed a tether to reality.

You found that. Now, avenue, we found each other. When we return, Sunny String, Fellow, a man in love and also a man reformed. And later, we speak to Doctor Matthew Warnick about a developing case. Why are so many people moving in slow motion and what’s going on with everyone’s hands?

Ya que lo vio, me imagino que quedó impresionado, igual pasó conmigo. ¿Lo que resulta es que después, en otro vídeo, ellos de open EI hablan sobre la creación de este vídeo y que tuvieron que utilizar humanos reales, verdad? Con disfraces, etcétera y ajustes de efectos. ¿Lo que nos plantea es que la herramienta puede servir para roll biz, verdad? Sin embargo, para ya una. Cuestión de storytelling. Pues lleva su trabajo. Sin embargo, ellos justifican eso para películas de bajo costo y todo recuerden que el negocio de la inteligencia artificial es la venta de servicios cloud en esta nueva generación.