Title: Lifting Hands in Worship: A Reminder of God’s Loving Embrace

I heard the sweetest thing this morning. I was listening to one of my podcasts for my Bible study and this guy said you should always lift your hands up when you’re praising worship and you should always lift your hands up and he said you want to know why you need to lift your hands up. He said because that’s what little children do they lift their hands up when they want their father to pick them up and hold them. I thought that was cute. I’m not going to make this a long Bible study today but I want you guys to know that I know a lot of you are going through a lot of things right now and I’m not going to be somebody that tells you that you can only find God in church. I found God when I was on my knees. I found God through one of the worst situations in my life and I wasn’t in church and I know for a lot of people it’s hard to go to church. It’s hard to go be around people especially if you live in a small town. People gossip and they don’t make you feel comfortable and I agree you shouldn’t be where you don’t feel comfortable but I want you guys to know that if you lift your hands up to Jesus he’s going to pick you up and he’s going to hold you and he’s going to get you through whatever storm you’re going through. We’re living in hard times and people right now need love and they need kindness and they need grace. I love you guys and I hope you have a wonderful Monday.