The Red Bottom Shoe Saga: Where Will the Trade Journey Lead Next?

You know my silly little series where I’m trading my old shoe to see where it goes? Who knows where it’ll end up? Maybe it’ll be a new house? Maybe it’ll be something to fill the hole of my heart? Or my father’s love would have been? Anyways, it got real serious. To quickly recap, I accidentally stole a shoe from the TSA. They didn’t want it back, so I traded it for a carved emu egg, which I then traded for an old authentic USSR hat, and that just got me to another shoe. But this one has red bottoms. Yeah, those red bottoms. But before I show them to you, I want to assure anyone that’s worried that I considered stopping this series here. Right? How often in my life would I be able to give lube-a-tons to my wife? I’ll tell you, zero times. But she looked at them and she said, you have to see where this goes. You can’t stop now. So they’re not brand new, but they’re basically never worn. They’re in very good condition. And so if you want these, I have no idea what to expect and trade for them. But let’s see where it goes. Wife, see you in a bit.