Dreaming in Technicolor: A Malaria Pills Experiment in Ghana

Apparently when you take malaria pills, you dream in Technicolor. I’m traveling to Ghana tomorrow and I have to take malaria pills and you have to take them two days before you arrive in the country. And my doctor said that he truly dreamt in Technicolor when he took malaria pills. I thought it would be really fun to keep a little dream journal and to see whether or not I actually dream in Technicolor. I guess this is day one of me taking my malaria pills. I just had the most insane dream. I was in this home that was like a volleyball facility that wasn’t mine. It was also my home. And I was upstairs and I heard a dreamer. So I ran with the toilet stick, the cleaner toilet stick, downstairs. And then it was a man in a carrot suit, turns out. But I still got scared and so I threw up on him. And I felt myself like throwing up on the dream. And then I basically woke up except there were like disco balls flashing color. He was so bright. And my mom was so weird.