Title: 60 Second Podcast: Olympic Break Dancing Shenanigans with Ray Gunn

Hey, what’s up y’all, Paul with glasses here. This is 60 second podcast Olympic break dancing. Let’s get into it. Break dancing is a hip hop influenced art form that requires various physical skillsets. Every country came ready to compete, including Australia who sent their best camp counselor. Off stage, she looked real confident and then she proceeded to do some of the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen in my fucking life. Rachel Gunn goes by Ray Gunn. And I gotta be honest, she dances like her name is Rachel. Is this what white people do after they download BET Plus? The Olympics soon announced that they will not have break dancing a part of their 2028 programming. If I were the Olympics, I would do a break dancing event, but only on pay per view. It will be Ray Gunn versus the Hawk Toa woman. And all the money raised will go to Gaza. Thanks so much for watching 60 second podcast. Today’s episode is sponsored by Fox News. Make sure to check out Fox News commercials to buy medication you don’t need and coins that are not worth what they say they are. See you guys soon.