Unmasking the Reality of DV Victims: Beyond the Illusions of ‘It Ends with Us’

So maybe it’s a bit of a harsh take, but I think the movie, it ends with us, is giving people a false idea that they now understand what it is like to be a DV victim. I wish it was as clear cut as the movie and the book makes it out to seem. I really do wish that, but in reality, a lot of us are fighting very long and expensive custody battles to keep our kids safe. A lot of us are going to end up having to send our children back into the situation that we escaped. And a lot of us didn’t leave when we had children because we knew they might be sent back without us to be with the abuser. And I don’t know why the media likes to skate over that so much when it is absolutely the reality for a lot of us. My husband was convicted of being a child predator. He went to prison for two years and the moment he got out, he decided to start fighting for custody of our children. And I have no idea how that’s going to go. I thought it was going to be a very clear cut case of the judge laughing him out of the courtroom and that’s not what happened. We are now two years into a custody battle. I spent $20,000. I’m probably going to have to spend lots more. And I don’t know what the outcome is going to be and I hate that. And it scares me to death. And I wish there was a way for people to understand that. And I think if people could understand that, they would be so much kinder to DV victims because currently, the support isn’t there. And this movie isn’t doing much to change that. I’m going to be honest, it’s really not. All of the videos I’ve seen so far have mostly been blaming a fictional character and that is the same thing that happens to every DV victim when they escape and when they decide to share their story.