A Day of Movies, Pancakes, and Tears: A Cozy and Emotional Journey

I woke up around 8 in the morning and I got ready. I did light makeup because we were gonna go to the movies and I wanted to wear something that was warm and comfy because the movies is always freezing cold. I also took my greens in the morning. I usually always take them, usually depending on the day that I have. Usually it’s at night, morning, midday, evening. It just all depends on what day it lands on that I want to take it. I got ready, I grabbed my keys and I headed out. We were gonna go to the movies to watch. It ends with us and when I tell you that movie was so amazing, y’all just wait for it. But before the movies, we got some breakfast with my friends. These pancakes were so good. It’s one of my favorite pancake spa news. Oh my god, if you know, you know. I never regret coming into this place because it’s always a 10 out of 10. But we ended up getting some popcorn, some icee’s. Oh my god, everything was so good. The movies were so empty. The movie started and then this is me at the end. I was in tears.