Unpacking the Controversy Surrounding It Ends With Us: Trigger Warnings, DV Representation, and the Adaptation to Film

So this may be a controversial take about It Ends With Us, the movie or the book in general. I question how so many people love and recommend this book when they don’t give a trigger warning about the graphic dv that is depicted throughout this book. It kind of is the whole main point of this book and I’ve been hearing that people are talking about the film and how they thought Blake Lively’s interviewing and promotion of the film isn’t kind of respecting dv victims and is kind of just like promoting other products. But my biggest thing is that people love this book even though it is so graphic and disturbing in the sense of dv. And how do we take a book that is so descriptive and in my opinion disturbing and turn it into a pg-13 movie? The book was not pg-13 by any freaking means. How did we turn this into a pg-13 movie about dv?