Cursed Drama: The Surprising Yet Predictable Chaos Surrounding It Ends With Us Movie Adaptation

least surprising thing about It Ends With Us movie drama is I mean all of the movie drama surrounding it because quite frankly like it’s a cursed book it never should have been made into a movie I never understood how it was getting made into a movie even during the filming the whole thing was cursed they like paused filming if you remember they were also dressing like so bizarrely I mean the book is about DV but the woman in the book is named like Lily Bloom and she’s the flower store like it’s not serious at all so all these celebrities read the book and then signed on for this movie whose side are you on when you say Justin or Blake’s I think they’re all I think they’re all in the wrong I mean to me it is weird that Justin bought the rights to them be the person who’s committing DV and obviously everything that’s coming out about Blake is not great either I’m seeing people compared to the don’t worry don’t worry darling drama but this seems like darker for a lot of reasons that was like enjoyable drama this I’m kind of just like I’m so over it I never wanted this thing to be like in the zeitgeist and now we all have to talk about it even more but what do you guys think have you been following along with this are you just like I’m tuning out