Minnesota’s Missing Millions: The Scandalous Somali Fraudsters and the Politicians Who Looked the Other Way

As governor, walls let a gang of politically connected Somali fraudsters steal a quarter billion dollars of your money. It was the single biggest COVID scam in American history. During the pandemic, a nonprofit in Minnesota feeding our future got a quarter billion dollars to send food to needy kids. Sounds good, right? Here’s the problem. Almost none of it was used for food. The Somali scammers blew our cash on real estate, cars, extravagant get trips. We have wire transfers that show thousands going to car dealerships. A hundred and sixty thousand dollars went to some company in China. And a half a million was sent to Kenya to buy an apartment. Our tax dollars weren’t just used on goodies. The politicians got a taste too. Ilhan Omar got thousands of dollars in donations from some of the scammers. Well early on, Wall’s administration thought it looked a little suspicious, so they froze the funds. Then the Somalis sued and called Wall’s racist. So he kept letting them steal. They didn’t bother to crack into the bank accounts or issue subpoenas. Wall’s just put his hands in the air and said, I’m not racist. Take whatever you want. Wall’s even gave one of the fraudsters. The Minnesota Outstanding Refugee Award. Three years later, she was indicted.